Ganesh Chaturthi is being celebrated all over the country, especially in Maharashtra and Karnataka. The festival commenced on September 19 and will culminate with Ganesh Visarjan on September 28. Our favourite Bollywood celebrities also shared their clicks dressed up in their festive best for Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. We saw Manish Malhotra host a get-together for the who's who of Bollywood. Karisma Kapoor, Pooja Hegde, Janhvi Kapoor and Malaika Arora were some of the attendees at the Ganesh puja. However, it was Karisma Kapoor who treated us to a glimpse of what she ate at the festival. Guess what her yummy indulgence was? None other than the classic modak. Take a look:
"This time of the year," she wrote in the caption of the story she shared on Instagram. In the click, we could see Karisma Kapoor dressed in an amazing red coloured suit with gold earrings. She was holding a plate of kesar-flavoured modaks in her hand decorated beautifully with flowers. Karisma Kapoor chose to take a mirror selfie with the yummy treat and indeed, it got us craving some modaks too!
Also Read: Karisma Kapoor Celebrates Father's Day With A Chocolatey Twist
This is not the only time we have seen Karisma Kapoor enjoying some delicious food. Previously, she also took out her sister Kareena Kapoor Khan for a lovely Italian lunch. "Back with my favs. The sister and Aperol Spritz," she wrote in the caption of the click. Click here to read more about this story.
On the work front, Karisma Kapoor will next be seen in 'Murder Mubarak' alongside Sara Ali Khan and Vijay Varma. She will also be spotted in a series called 'Brown' directed by Abhinay Deo. Her last outing was 'Dangerous Ishq'.
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