This Article is From May 10, 2018

Living in Green Neighbourhoods Could Help Cut Down Stress In Kids: Try These Foods Too  

A new study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, has found less stress hormone in children with access to green spaces.

Living in Green Neighbourhoods Could Help Cut Down Stress In Kids: Try These Foods Too  
Living in areas surrounded with lush greenery could help children cut down on stress. Green neighborhoods, clean air and quality grocery stores could in many ways alter the stress and anxiety levels in children. A new study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, has found less stress hormone in children with access to green spaces. The findings revealed that the average cortisol level -- a biological marker of the body's stress response -- among 113 of low-income children who lived in poor neighbourhoods reached the 75th percentile. 

However when they looked at cortisol levels in 32 low-income children living in better-quality neighbourhoods, the average was in the 45th percentile.

"Our study indicates that the quality of a neighbourhood where a child grows up is one of several factors that can have a protective effect on their health," said Danielle Roubinov, Assistant Professor from the University of California, San Francisco.
"Cortisol is a measure of biological stress arousal, and elevated levels can place children at risk for both poorer physical and mental health," Roubinov added.

High cortisol levels also bring along a host of other risks like elevated blood sugar, raised blood pressure, back pain, bone-thinning, obesity, insomnia, anxiety and fatigue.

The researchers compared levels of the stress hormone cortisol in a group of kindergartners, for the study. 

As part of the analysis, the teachers and parents of the kindergartners were also made to report on the children's overall health and any impairments that may prevent them from participating in desired activities. 

The findings revealed that 113 low-income children living in poor neighbourhoods were in the 75th percentile when it came to such health issues, while the 32 low-income children in better-resourced neighbourhoods scored in the 55th percentile.

"The quality of neighbourhoods was assessed by a measure that evaluates access to green spaces, exposure to environmental toxins, and availability of early childhood education centers and grocery stores selling healthy food," said Roubinov.

Stress and anxiety has got a lot to do with your lifestyle and diet. And most of it could be reversed by just eating well, getting a good sleep and indulging in some form of exercise daily.
Here are some foods and herbs that you can eat to beat stress naturally. 

1. Lentils
Packed with vitamin B which is known to reduce fatigue and tiredness, lentils can work wonders to rev up your energy levels, while combating pre-existing stress and anxiety.

2. Banana
Bananas are rich in vitamin C which is an effective stress fighting nutrient. Bananas also help repair cell damage caused due to stress.

3. Yogurt
The calcium content of yogurt can help cut down stress effectively. It also has good bacteria that kill anxiety and depression. Have them with your meals or blend it in your smoothies, but don't forget to have yogurt as much as possible

4. Coconut
Coconut contains medium chain fats that improve our mental health and cut down negativity. Did you know, that the scent of the coconut is also known to have a psychological effect that helps reduce anxiety and slows out heart rate.

5. Oats
A bowl of oats and some fresh fruits finished off with a drop of honey right in the morning will keep your mood swings in place. Oat meal boosts positive energy as it is considered to be a serotonin enhancer, also known as the happiness hormone.

(With IANS Inputs)
