Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra recently took to X to post about a food delivery incident. Tagging the official handle of Swiggy, she sought to bring their attention to a problem with the ice creams she had ordered. She wrote, "Sorry @Swiggy - you've got to up your game. Unacceptable that I ordered expensive Minus Thirty mini sticks ice cream & it arrives spoilt and inedible. Expecting a refund or replacement ASAP." Swiggy promptly responded to her concern a few hours later. In reply to her X post, the company wrote, "Hi Mahua, sorry to know that you are facing an issue with your order. Please share the order number. We will look into it." Based on a partial screenshot the MP shared in reply, we can see that the order amount was Rs 1220 for 10 items.
Mahua Moitra's post has received over 320K views so far and many people reacted to it on the platform. Some shared their concerns about delivery apps and some criticised her for other reasons. One X user asked, "Why would you use this platform for something which can be solved on the app?" To this, the MP simply responded, "Because it wasn't."
In response to another comment, she also made an amusing reference to an earlier controversy about an expensive handbag that had made headlines. She joked that the ice creams were "Hermes flavour with Bobbi Brown topping."
She also addressed other users who were critical of her raising this issue. She wrote, "Just because I am an MP doesn't mean I am not a normal person who orders food online. Please get over this mindset that public reps are not normal beings. And then you complain people are behaving like "netas'."
Here are some other reactions to the viral post:
Last year, Swiggy revealed several trends in ice cream consumption based on its internal data. Click here to read more.