A man from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh apparently had a harrowing experience after consuming food ordered from a Mumbai restaurant. Rajeev Shukla took to X (formerly Twitter) to explain his grievance and seek redressal. He stated that he visited Mumbai on January 8, 2024, and ordered a veg meal box from the Worli outlet of the popular restaurant chain, Barbeque Nation. He claimed that he found a dead mouse in the food and that consuming the meal had left him "hospitalised for 75 plus hours." Furthermore, he has clarified that, at the time of sharing the tweet, he had not yet filed a complaint at Nagpada police station.
Also Read: Bengaluru Resident Finds Cockroach In Meal Ordered From Zomato, Company Responds
Shukla shared photos of the order receipt, the delivered package as well as the apparent contaminant. Lastly, he has also posted a pic of himself on a hospital bed. Take a look at the post below.
I Rajeev shukla (pure vegetarian) from prayagraj visited Mumbai, on 8th Jan'24 night ordered veg meal box from BARBEQUE NATION, worli outlet that a contained dead mouse, hospitalised for 75 plus hours. complaint has not been lodged at nagpada police station yet.
— rajeev shukla (@shukraj) January 14, 2024
Please help pic.twitter.com/Kup5fTy1Ln
Disclaimer: NDTV does not vouch for the claims in the post by the X user.
The incident has received a lot of attention online. Several X users have tagged different handles of authorities, asking them to help Shukla. Barbeque Nation has also responded, saying, "Hi Rajeev. We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced. We believe Mr. Paresh from our Regional Office, in Mumbai is already in touch with you to understand the details of the situation and work towards a resolution."
Hi Rajeev. We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced. We believe Mr. Paresh from our Regional Office, in Mumbai is already in touch with you to understand the details of the situation and work towards a resolution.
— Barbeque Nation (@BarbequeNation) January 16, 2024
They added, "We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and effectively."
We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and effectively.
— Barbeque Nation (@BarbequeNation) January 16, 2024
As per a report in The Free Press Journal, Shukla said that the food also contained cockroaches. As a result, he got food poisoning and had to be admitted to Nair Hospital. The report also revealed that Shukla had emailed Barbeque Nation to lodge a complaint regarding the same.
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