This Article is From Aug 29, 2017

New Study Says Statins May Cut Breast Cancer Risk, Try these Foods Instead

Breast cancer is becoming more and more common these days and scientists are constantly looking for ways to cut down the risk of contracting the chronic ailment.



  • Breast cancer is becoming more and more common these days
  • Apples contain quercetin, epicatechin and anthocyanins
  • Pepper is said to be a powerful Rasayana
Breast cancer is becoming more and more common these days and scientists are constantly looking for ways to cut down the risk of contracting the chronic ailment. According to the study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress in Barcelona, women who take statins, cholesterol lowering drugs, may be a at a lower risk of developing breast cancer and subsequent mortality. The study suggests that patients with high cholesterol who were taking statins had a 45 percent reduced risk of breast cancer, and if they developed breast cancer, a 40 percent reduced chance of death. "Showing that patients with high cholesterol have a lower risk of developing breast cancer and subsequent mortality in a longitudinal study like this provides the strongest evidence for a protective effect, which is likely related to statins," said Rahul Potluri, from the Aston University, in the UK. For the study, the team followed 1.22 million women aged 40 or more with and without a diagnosis of high cholesterol and compared the development of breast cancer and subsequent mortality rates in the two groups. It always helps to turn to natural ways to ward off the risk of any ailment. Include these powerful ingredients in your daily diet to remain healthy and beat the risk of disease.

1. Pepper

US scientists have found a chemical in the pepper plant known as Piperlongumine is believed to have anti-cancer properties. Pepper or Pippali is an important medicinal plant in Ayurveda. It is said to be a powerful Rasayana. Substances that have the Rasayana property can work as immunomodulators that help in regeneration of cells and organs.

2. Apple

Apples contain quercetin, epicatechin and anthocyanins that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help lower the risk of breast cancer. The apple peels are believed to be more nutritious as the majority of Quercetin is found in it.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries have abundant antioxidant power, due to the presence of phytochemicals and flavonoids that include Urolithin, Anthocyanins and Ellagic acid. They are known to reduce free radical damage that leads to cancer.

4. Walnuts

Some of the majorly active elements in walnuts including Gamma-tocopherol, Elligtannins and Melatonin help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

With Inputs from IANS

