If there is one thing that actor Rajkummar Rao sets out to achieve and never really falls short of it is excellence. The Gurgaon boy started his career with Dibakar Banerjee's Love Sex Aur Dhokha and instantly made an impression with his art of role-playing. The Bareily ki Barfi star has given a series of hits and critically acclaimed performances in movies like Shahid, City Lights and Aligarh. The National Film Award recipient is all set for his latest, Newton, which hit theaters today and has also become India's official entry to Oscars for the year.
Very happy to share this news that #NEWTON is India's official entry to the #OSCARS this year. Congratulations team.
— Rajkummar Rao (@RajkummarRao) September 22, 2017
Known for his down-to-earth attitude and strict discipline for his craft, the actor is also quite a fitness freak. You'll find him both sweating it out in the gym and taking full recourse to his favourite meals. In our quest to know the actor better, we took to his Instagram account and found things worth sharing. Exploring Rajkummar Rao's foodie side and fitness feats, take a look!
The actor believes in hard work - no doubt that pays off well!
So, he also self-trains? Hmm...
Beyond gymming, the Behen Hogi Teri star also likes to play around with his fitness routine and try out alternative ways to keep fit.
Did he just finish a massive 10k run in just 53 minutes? We're jealous!
And after that run, nobody would mind some decadent indulgence!
There is more to this talented actor than what meets the eye. We congratulate Rajkummar Rao and team Newton for making it to the Oscars, all the very best!
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