This Article is From Aug 04, 2017

Obesity-Related Liver Disease on the Rise: 5 Foods for Boosting Liver Health

Monitoring your diet can help keep the liver healthy. Being obese hampers the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Every now and then we are told by health experts to detox our body. It's not a fad, but a practise one should pay attention to for good health. Our liver plays an important role in the body's various functions - maintaining homeostatis, processing nutrients before releasing them in the bloodstream, regulating blood sugar, and breaking down and clearing toxins from the body, whether dietary or environmental. So it only makes sense that you should also mind to a diet where the food items could help boost liver health by protecting the liver cells or aiding them in the detoxification process.

Monitoring your diet can help keep the liver healthy. Being obese hampers the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Individuals with the most severe form of the disease, called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), have inflammation and liver cell damage, which can lead to scarring, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore a diet high in fat, sugar and cholesterol must be avoided. Otherwise it triggers inflammation in the liver and the body responds by sending immune cells to neutralise the threat. Unfortunately, the immune response can rage out of control, creating even more inflammation and further damaging the liver.

There are many fruits and vegetables that help in boosting liver health. Here's a roundup -

1. Grapefruit

This citrus fruit, which is a great source of antioxidants, is tagged as superfood for good reasons. It is a hydrating fruit for summers, a natural antihistamine - a great aid to the immune system, reduces acidity, regulates insulin, promotes weight loss, so on and so forth. Coming to liver health, it contains enzymes that help the liver in breaking down toxins more efficiently. You can have it as a fresh juice along with other fruits for breakfast.

2. Lemon

Considered to be one of the most effective foods when it comes to cleansing the liver, lemon is a great source of antioxidants. It is high in Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which are known to prevent oxidative damage. According to ancient medicine, eating sour foods can help in strengthening the liver and eliminating toxic substances from the body.

3. Apples

We have all heard the phrase - an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It is a miracle fruit with the ability to safeguard your body from various ailments. The skin of apples contains the most number of essential nutrients, such as triterpenoids that are said to effectively protect the liver cells from damage.

The skin of apples contains the most number of essential nutrients

4. Carrots

The vibrant and rich colour of carrots is due to the presence of carotenoid, which is a great antioxidant preventing the body internally from free radicals known to cause cancer and heart disease. It also protects liver livers.

5. Raw Mango

The khatta-meetha raw mango is a great detoxifying ingredient. It is known to increase liver and gall bladder function. There are many ways you can include it in your diet, particularly as salads.
