Legendary badminton player Prakash Padukone recently visited a popular Bengaluru restaurant to enjoy a South Indian dinner with his wife Ujjala Padukone. The couple went to eat some delicious dosas at Vidyarthi Bhavan, a South Indian vegetarian restaurant in Karnataka since 1943. The restaurant shared glimpses from the visit on their official Instagram handle. In a reel posted by Vidyarthi Bhavan, we can see the couple enjoying dosa with chutney and posing for pictures with a staff member carrying around 15 plates of dosas at once.
The caption of the post read, "Happy to have legendary badminton star Prakash Padukone at our restaurant yesterday evening!" In the clip, the Indian former badminton player can also be seen writing a review for the restaurant in a diary. For the unversed, Prakash and Ujjala Padukone are the parents of actor Deepika Padukone.
Also Read: Dosa Lover? Indulge In This 4-Layered Dosa That Brings A Fresh Twist To The Classic Dish
Watch the full video here:
Prakash Padukone is not the first celebrity to visit this iconic restaurant. Vidyarthi Bhavan has also been visited by other famous people like actor Rajinikanth, former UK PM Rishi Sunak and Starbucks co-founder Zev Siegl.
Also Read: 5 Hacks That Will Keep Your Dosa Batter Fresh and Delicious -Even After A Week
Previously, businessman Anand Mahindra shared a video of a server from this restaurant carrying a dosa tower of 16 plates of dosas in one go. From preparing dosas to carrying them, everthing was done with finesse. "We need to get 'Waiter Productivity' recognised as an Olympic sport. This gentleman would be a contender for Gold in that event," Mahindra captioned the post. Here's the tweet for you:
We need to get ‘Waiter Productivity' recognised as an Olympic sport. This gentleman would be a contender for Gold in that event… pic.twitter.com/2vVw7HCe8A
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) January 31, 2023
Which is your favourite South Indian dish? Share with us in the comments section.
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