Meet Guillem Ignasi Bauza Cabot, a resident of Palma, whose passion for the iconic Pringles chips has led him to break Guinness World Records with his extraordinary collection. Pringles, originally named "Pringle's Newfangled Potato Chips," hit the snack scene in the US back in 1968, and after 12 years of design tweaks, their saddle-shaped chips became a snacking sensation, according to the Guinness World Records website. Guillem, fascinated by the unique flavour and stackable hyperbolic paraboloid shape of Pringles, began his exceptional collection journey. In May 2023, he officially clinched the title of having the largest collection of Pringles tubes, boasting an impressive 263 individual tubes.
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Guinness World Records posted a picture of Guillem with his collection on Instagram and wrote, "Guillem Ignasi Bauza Cabot owns an outstanding 263 individual Pringles tubes. Claiming the title of the largest collection of Pringles tubes. An avid fan of the famous saddle-shaped chips brand, he started buying every Pringles tube that caught his eye and wasn't yet part of his collection!"
Take a look at the post:
Guillem's collection mirrors this diversity, featuring tubes for every taste and occasion. Pringles has expanded beyond its original potato chips, venturing into tortillas and experimenting with daring limited-edition combinations.
"This collection started so long ago I don't even remember the exact year," Guillem admits, dating the inception of his collection to a time between 2010 and 2015. He fondly recalls, "I was on a break from my acting classes when I went to a nearby store to get a tube of Pringles."
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Diving into Guillem's collection reveals a treasure trove of unique flavours, from adventurous Roast Beef and Mustard to various renditions of the classics. The assortment includes event-specific rare editions like the Fan edition, the Disco range, and the Ice Hockey edition. Not stopping at the traditional chip-sized tubes, Guillem also possesses a giant Pringles tube, the ever-expanding Passport range, and numerous special tortilla editions. But it all started with Hot & Spicy Christmas package.
"One of the tubes was the Hot & Spicy flavour and it was Christmas-themed, with the image of the Pringles shooting chillies as if they were fireworks. At the top of the tube, I could read 'limited edition'," he told Guinness World Records. And then his collection kept growing.
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The Instagram post received many comments like:
"That's amazing, I got 124 different kinds of energy cans, is that also a record or do I have a long way to go?"
"Does he have the cheeseburger Pringles?"
"I have more than 100 in my bedroom, but this guy!"
"I love this so much! I have so many."
"So 400 pounds and I can break this record."
"My son has more under his bed!"
Do you love Pringles as much as this man?