Happy birthday, Deepika Padukone! The talented actor is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film 'Fighter,' starring opposite actor Hrithik Roshan. Deepika is passionate about many things - movies, sports, beauty, fashion, and our favorite, food. When it comes to food, Deepika is all heart for South Indian delicacies and chocolatey desserts. As the actor turns 38 years old on January 5, 2024, we capture some of her favorite dessert moments from social media that keep her happy and excited!
Here Are 5 Delicious Dessert Moments Enjoyed By Deepika Padukone:
1. Ice Cream Sandwich
Deepika is not just the queen of acting but also the queen of desserts. She loves cakes, chocolates, cookies, and ice creams, and her Instagram is full of proof! During summertime, the actor posted a picture of half-eaten ice cream sandwiches freshly made by sandwiching a huge piece of ice cream-chocolate, vanilla, pista, and more-between two pieces of orange-colored crunchiness. Yum!
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2. Good Luck Chocolate Dessert
Deepika loves eating decadent chocolate desserts, whether it is at the end of a long day or to mark a film's theatrical release. On the hit film Pathaan's release date, Deepika shared a picture on her Instagram in which she captured her table full of desserts that she enjoyed the night before the film's release. At the center was a large plate with a slice of half-eaten chocolate cake topped with vanilla ice cream. The plate also had "Good luck for Pathaan" written on it, obviously in chocolate!
3. 'BASIC' Chocolate Cake With Vanilla Ice Cream
Classics never get boring for true dessert lovers. Deepika keeps sharing her love for desserts on Instagram, as seen in an earlier post. She posted a close-up picture of a portion of chocolate cake along with two scoops of vanilla ice cream. "BASIC," read the caption.
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4. Baking Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cookies
Deepika doesn't just enjoy eating desserts but also baking them too! Once she took part in a bake-off challenge with her long-time school friend and uploaded the contest video on her Instagram handle. The duo baked peanut butter and chocolate cookies and had a blast during the entire process. At the end of the video, she says, "I think the fact that we didn't burn our cookie, I think the fact that it is edible, talent is there, right?"
5. A Humble Bar of Chocolate
This true chocolate lover doesn't just enjoy fancy desserts. Deepika also knows how to enjoy a simple bar of chocolate. In a previous Instagram post, the actor can be seen enjoying a bar of chocolate, biting slowly into it to get all the dreamy flavors. She shuts her eyes and licks chocolate off her fingers, making the most of the humble bar. Watching this video will surely make you crave chocolate.
Which is your favorite Deepika-dessert moment? Tell us in the comments.
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