This Article is From Dec 20, 2017

Healthy Eating and Not Smoking Can Help Prevent Obesity: 10 Expert Tips To Manage The Condition Naturally

Eating at the the right time, limiting smoking and alcohol intake, and balancing the diet with ample exercise can help manage obesity better, say experts.

Obesity is a disorder that leads to accumulation of excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Obesity has emerged to be one of the biggest health concerns of the world in the current times. The number of teens and young adults being diagnosed with the condition are on an all-time high. Obesity has been linked with health problems like diabetes, hypertension and hormonal disorders. A lot can be done to prevent the condition from going worse and impair your other bodily functions, all that is required are fe changes in dietary and lifestyle habits. Eating at the the right time, limiting smoking and alcohol intake, and balancing the diet with ample exercise can help manage obesity better, say experts.

Here are 10 expert tips that you must start following now for effective results.

1. Eating a balanced diet is a must not just for people dealing with obesity but for everybody in general. Nutritionist Neha Ranglani and Anju Ghei, a wellness expert at VLCC  note that a balanced diet should be a healthy mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low fat dairy, nuts to take care of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fibre and probiotics. 

2. Timings of the meal is another factor that could be causing the excess subcutaneous and visceral fats. Nutritionist Neha Ranglani and Anju Ghei, suggest that one must capitalize on early mornings . When you wake up, this is the time when your muscles are absolutely depleted and hungry after a 10 hour fast. A good and wholesome breakfast helps you revitalise your muscles and prevents excess calorie intake in the latter half of the day. A light breakfast like cereals & milk with honey and nuts could do the needful.

3. Healthy snacking is a good habit one must adopt. Who said snacking is bad? For faster metabolism one must keep eating at regular intervals. Carrying healthy snacks like a piece of fruit, handful of soya nut or an oatmeal bar can help rev up the metabolism and burn fat better suggest the experts.

4. Choose your pre and post work out meals better, Nutritionist Neha Ranglani and Anju Ghei also point out the significance of pre and post work out meals. It is mandatory to fuel your system with the right kind of food like fruits, nuts and eggs before your work-out to make most of the workout. Feed your hungry muscles after 30- 45 minutes of your workout with fruits and proteins. 

5. Have lighter meals for dinner. Skipping meals and eating a lavish dinner can lead to excess calorie build up. At night the metabolism is the lowest. The trick is to keep the dinner as light as possiblewith soups, salads, lean meat and yogurt.

6. Stop smoking and curb drinking alcohol: Tobacco interferes with the production of enzymes for effective digestion. Limiting alcohol intakewill also make a difference.

Consultant Nutritionist Dr. Rupali Dutta also suggest some majore dietary tweaks that can help manage obesity better.

7. Whole grain and not processed cereals provide energy to sustain and grow and are also a major source of all essential nutrients. Stock up on whole grains like Bajra, Ragi, Maize and Jowar, use them often. Try red and black and brown rice instead of white rice .Use these whole grains for breakfast porridges, they taste great.

8. Buy whole dals in addition to the staple washed dals. Fill up your shelves with Rajma, Chana, Soy, Bhatt dals. Add these as sprouts or cook them for your meal at least once every two days. When buying meat, choose the lean, low fat cuts. Add a protein in every major meal. Proteins are essential for the body.

9. Ensure 3 servings of seasonal vegetables per head and 2 of whole fruits per day. They provide both soluble and insoluble fibre in addition to vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. We need about 25-30gms of fibre per day, one apple provides only 1gm.

10. Keep the trans fats away. There is a chance that industrial trans fats would be present in fast foods, snack food, fried foods cookies, margarine and spreads). Read the labels, if there is no label, find a better substitute.

Follow these tips to prevent excess accumulation of fat.

(With Inputs from IANS)
