This Article is From Aug 24, 2017

Rajasthan to Soon Start Serving Olive Tea: Here are 6 Things Which Makes It a Must Try

The Olive Tea -would soon be launched by Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, adding that it is the first time the country will be seeing a "green tea alternative" produced out of olive leaves.

India is fast taking to the Mediterranean wonder fruit-olive. Rajasthan being the newest state to join the bandwagon, it has decided to give the country a tea, brewed from olive leaves. State Agriculture Minister Prabhu Lal Saini said the brand - named Olitia, The Olive Tea -would soon be launched by Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, adding that it is the first time the country will be seeing a "green tea alternative" produced out of olive leaves.

Saini said that Rajasthan started cultivating olives in 2007 in collaboration with Israel and now presently cultivates them on 5,000 hectares. He added "We have made a lot of progress since then. An olive refinery is operational in the state at Bikaner, also the country's first.

On speaking about the origin of the idea of "Olive Green Tea", he said, "I am a PhD in Agriculture myself, and I knew olive leaves have several health benefits. So I decided to get some study and lab testing done about it. We have received proposals from various countries including the UK, the USA and from the Gulf that they want to sign MoUs in this regard," he added.

The agriculture minister said that 66 per cent of "our state has arid or semi-arid climatic conditions. But we are among the leaders in the country as far as agricultural innovation is concerned thanks to the chief minister, scientists, officials and the people".

Here are a few reasons why the newest tea in town is making all the news.

1. Full of Antioxidants: Rajasthan's olive tea is profuse with healthy antioxidants. As per Saini, the lab tests have proven that olive tea leaves has a decent amount of anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory components and Luteolin. "Experiments with Luteolin show that it suppresses bacteria-induced inflammation. Luteolin is an oxygen scavenger," reads the report.

2.Anti-inflammatory: Anti-inflammatory refers to that feature of a substance or treatment that reduces inflammation or swelling. Olitia is said to be containing several such anti-inflammatory properties

3.Zero caffeine: Olive tea brewed out of olive tea leaves is reported to contain zero caffeine according to the makers.

4.Builds Immunity and Fights Fatigue: The olive tea is said to work wonders for boosting immunity and fighting fatigue, as per the producers of the tea.

5.Anti-ageing: Not just health benefits, olive tea is said to have healing effects on the skin too. According to the makers, Olitia is said to have strong anti-ageing properties.

6.Multiple flavours: Saini said the "olive green tea" will come in multiple flavours which are in vogue these days like exotic, lemon and mint. "We are trying to diversify and produce other flavours like ginger, Tulsi, etc," he said.

Saini also added that the lab tests confirmed the presence of "such strong anti-oxidant" in olive leaves that they can help prevent the risks of several types of cancer - blood cancer, prostate cancer and ovaries cancer. After the studies and lab tests confirmed these properties of the olive leaves, the decision to process them was taken, he said.

"It will medically benefit those who suffer from mental stress, cardiac disease. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well," he added.

(Inputs PTI)

