Rakul Preet Singh kicked off the New Year on a sweet note, and her latest Instagram post is the proof you might need. The actress shared a series of foodie snapshots from her London vacation. The carousel begins with Rakul holding a plate of a milk cake topped with a strawberry slice. Her radiant smile reflected her love for the treat. The next snap reveals a tray with a cake topped with dried apples, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries - a true feast for the eyes. The dessert extravaganza does not end there. Another image showcases an assortment of colourful macaroons, a coconut macaroon cake, a honey cake and raspberry tarts. And if you look closely, a tempting chocolate cake can be seen in the background.
In her caption, Rakul Preet Singh opened up about her journey with food, mentioning how she used to feel guilty after eating indulgent treats. She also expressed her happiness in being able to enjoy these delicious desserts during her London vacation without any guilt. The actress wrote, "This holiday was all about letting go so here is what I wanted to share. I always struggled with letting go and relishing food without feeling guilty, or the constant stress of getting back on track .. basically a lot of guilt attached to indulgence and constant noise in my head .. but I'm so happy that I could let go this year !! I was able to enjoy every bit of every meal be it sugar or fried .. it's a hard task to live in the moment and enjoy the joy of it and I'm sure a lot of you resonate with it."
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Speaking about the importance of enjoying life to the fullest, Rakul Preet Singh added, "So here I am telling you .. it's fine .. pause, enjoy and get back on track .. cos how you feel is more important than how you look .. no one's validation is more important than your acceptance of yourself. Ok now yes obviously we do need to get back on track and it is time to do so but without any fads, without any stress embracing all the memories of the trip and looking into the future of 2025."
Take a look at her post below:
A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are helpful in maintaining your health without quitting your favourite food or feeling any guilt