Here's another reason to monitor the alcohol intake of teens. If the findings of a new study are to be believed, teens below seventeen years of age who drink alcohol weekly may become binge drinkers later in life. The study revealed, that these teens are three times more likely to binge drink and be dependent on alcohol as adults compared with their peers who don't drink.
The Australian-led research debunks the popular idea that promotes introducing alcohol to teens early, as it may promote responsible drinking, " instead it sets a young person up for later-life drinking problem," Xinhua news agency quoted Professor George Patton from the Murdoch Children's Research Institute as saying.
For the study, the researchers looked at the drinking patterns of 9,000 adolescents in Australia and New Zealand.
Lead author Edmund Silins, said delaying drinking alcohol would have "significant public health benefits" as well as showing that public health messages "need to focus as much on frequency of drinking as the amount consumed",
"Discouraging or delaying alcohol use in adolescence is likely to have substantial benefits in adulthood in terms of preventing harmful drinking behaviours which adversely affect health and well-being," he added.
It has been emphasized enough number of times that teenage is very important for overall growth and development of body. Here are some eating habits teens should inculcate today.
1. No Skipping Breakfast
As adults, we are all guilty of skipping breakfast at some point in time because of our hurried schedule. But for children, since it is the time for their growth and development, skipping meals, especially breakfast, could hamper their health in many ways. children who skip their breakfast are at more likely to miss out on key nutrients such as folate (important for the development of genetic material), calcium, iron and iodine (key in the development of thyroid function) than children who skipped breakfast.
2. Loving Fruits
All fruits contain a range of nutrients that are beneficial for the body in various ways. They are the perfect sources to get one's daily dose of minerals and vitamins. Fruits should be included in children's diet to make them reap their benefits. Besides they are sweet and juicy, and wouldn't need much convincing for the kids to munch on.
3. Drink Water
Ditch aerated beverages and sugary colas with a glass of water. This will not only ensure that you stay away from loading up on unnecessary liquid calories but also help ensure your daily water intake is optimum.
4. Make Healthy Snacks Accessible
Keep plenty of fruits, finger cut veggies, healthy beverages like coconut water, probiotic drinks, milk, chaas, pure vegetable and fruit juices around in your vicinity. More often than not, it is their laziness which prevents them to go up to the kitchen and eat healthy. Do not stock unhealthy aerated drinks, chips or cookies. The childhood impulse to imitate is strong, so don't ask your child to eat vegetables when you gorge on chips.
5 . Add Variety, Include them as part of the activity
Take them shopping and let them choose a new vegetable. One of the best gifts you can give your kids is to train their taste buds to enjoy many different flavors, not just sugar, fat and salt.
(With Inputs IANS)