A slice of pizza can bring cheer to our faces at any time. We place orders for our favourite Italian treat to be delivered to our homes whenever we need a quick and comforting meal. We eagerly await the sound of the delivery person who is coming with our piping hot pizzas to our doorstep. However, for a man based in Belgium, this has become no less than a traumatic experience. An old Belgian man named Jean Van Landegham claims that he has been sent pizzas every day for the last decade and he has no idea who is sending the pies or why he is receiving them.
A resident of Turnhout in Antwerp, Belgium, Landegham was in the news for this in the year 2020 and the story has been trending again on social media. As per the Independent, he has received pizza deliveries at practically all times of the day and night. In January 2019, he was stunned when he received 10 separate pizza deliveries, one including over 14 pizzas. Further, he has to explain the situation to each delivery driver separately. The only silver lining is that he turns the deliveries away and thus does not have to pay for them.
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Pizza was delivered to this man's house non-stop. Photo: iStock
Initially, Landegham thought that the deliveries were intended for another recipient or had the wrong address. Sometimes, he would even get other unordered fast food like kebabs. But the mystery remains unsolved to date. "I cannot sleep anymore. I start shaking every time I hear a scooter on the street. I dread that someone will come to drop off hot pizzas yet another time," he told Het Laatste Nieuws.
The police are on the search for the miscreant who is carrying out this prank. As per New York Post, another friend of the Belgian man in the nearby town of Herenthout has also been receiving pizzas for the last decade. This unexplained pizza delivery mystery is vexing, indeed!