An X post about a long list of rules for customers at an Irani cafe in Pune has gone viral and sparked humorous reactions online. An X user shared a photo showing the cafe's menu partially. Below the category of "Cutlets," we see the list of prohibited actions which are prefaced with the statement: "No is a complete sentence and it does not require justification." What follows is a list with 21 varied instructions about what is not allowed on the premises of this establishment. From generic protocols like not permitting outside foods to bizarrely specific ones prohibiting "flirting with the cashier," - the list is quite fascinating in its range. Here are all the rules, as per the picture attached in the post:
- "No laptop
- No charging points
- No smoking
- No carry bags
- No credit
- No outside foods
- No talking loud
- No bargaining
- No asking change
- No matchsticks
- No discussing gambling
- No combing
- No digging nose
- No brushing teeth
- No leg on chair
- No sleeping
- No running away
- No gum under table
- No mobile games
- No flirting with cashier
- No free advice."
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The X post has received over 100K views so far and users have had a lot to say about it. Many have wondered what led to making some of the more unusual rules on the list. Several people found the cashier one quite funny. Others were generally intrigued to know more about the cafe. A few particularly liked the statement "No is a complete sentence and it does not require justification." Read some of the reactions below:
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