An X user recently shared his unpleasant experience with a Big Basket order in a post that has since gone viral. Bhavye Goel shared a photo of a bag of what he says was supposed to be 1 kilo of onions. The bag is placed on a weighing scale, which shows that it's only 844 grams. After complaining about the same, Bhavye claimed he got a refund but his account was blocked later. In the caption, he wrote, "That's 1 kg of onions for you from @bigbasket_com. I complained, they refunded and then blocked my account. They charge you like leeches even if 1g is extra and fleecing thousands daily like this."
The official X handle of Big Basket has responded to the viral post. They wrote, "We deeply regret the inconvenience caused. Our team will reach out to you soon and help you in the best possible manner, rest assured." However, in reply to this, the X user said, "Your Grievance Officer and CEO Team have not been able to reply to my mail for the past three days now and here you are doing fake lip service."
Other X users shared their own experiences with problematic orders via various online platforms. Many people slammed these companies for their poor services. Several users were of the opinion that one should avoid ordering fruits and veggies online, as quality and other issues may arise. Check out some of the reactions below.
Before this, another delivery-related post that took X by storm had an unusual twist. A person shared that he received a pressure cooker two years after he had placed the order on Amazon. What's more, the user mentioned that he had cancelled the original order and even received a refund back then. Click here to read the full story.
Also Read: Bengaluru Woman Joins Blinkit To Learn How Deliveries Work, Company Responds To Feedback