Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles were recently seen in Delhi, enjoying some popular street foods and drinks of India. This comes a day after the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 finals that were held at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Gujarat's Ahmedabad. The videos of the minister taking a tour of Delhi took the internet by storm. Along with laying a wreath at the National War Memorial and playing 'gully cricket' with kids at Arun Jaitley stadium, the Australian Deputy Prime Minister was also seen savouring the flavours of Delhi.
In a video shared by ANI, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Australia, Richard Marles, was spotted indulging in the widely-loved 'Ram Ladoos', accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong. The tweet reads, "Australian Deputy Prime Minister & Defence Minister Richard Marles enjoys 'Ram Laddu' from a Delhi stall." Take a look:
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#WATCH | Australian Deputy Prime Minister & Defence Minister Richard Marles eats 'Ram Laddu' from a stall, in Delhi
— ANI (@ANI) November 20, 2023
In a separate video shared by ANI, Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles was captured enjoying a refreshing sip of nimbu pani from a local street vendor. According to reports, he expressed admiration for the seamless monetary transaction facilitated through UPI. The tweet highlights, "Australian Deputy Prime Minister & Defence Minister Richard Marles indulges in 'Nimbu Pani' from a street stall with payment conducted through UPI, in Delhi."
#WATCH | Australian Deputy Prime Minister & Defence Minister Richard Marles drinks 'Nimbu Pani' from a stall for which the payment was done through UPI, in Delhi
— ANI (@ANI) November 20, 2023
If you too want to relish ram ladoo, then here we have a recipe for you to try at home. Click here. That's not all. We have also got you an interesting list of the variations of nimbu pani you can relish. Find the list here.
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