This Article is From Dec 15, 2017

Well-Educated, Socially Advantaged Parents Pushing Their Kids Towards Alcohol Much Earlier than Before

The study published in the journal of Adolescent Health, revealed that well-educated parents with well-established professional jobs are far more likely to let their youngsters drink

Children of well-educated, socially advantaged parents are getting exposed to drinking alcohol much earlier than before, says a latest study. Parents across Britain have been warned against letting their children drink alcohol with meals before they turn 14, as this act may put their overall health in danger. The study published in the journal of Adolescent Health, revealed that well-educated parents with well-established professional jobs are far more likely to let their youngsters drink as compared to those who are not as educated or are into meagre jobs .The study took into account 10,000 children in Britain. 
For the study, researchers asked 14-year-olds if they were consuming alcohol already. They also separately asked the parents about letting their children drink. 

The study by University College London and Pennsylvania State University revealed that almost half of the children admitted that they had tried more than a few sips of alcohol, with or without their parents' permission.
On the other hand over 17 per cent of parents admitted to allow their child to drink. The researchers claimed that parents of socially advantaged children often believe that by allowing their children to drink, may instill in them the idea of responsible drinking. But the theory does not have much research to support itself. 

Experts around the world have often emphasized that children should be kept away from alcohol at least until the age of 15. Alcohol may harm their bodies and brains, as they aren't fully developed or are in the growing stage. 

A major part of growth and development of  children happens in their early teens. Here are some healthy eating habits that children in their early teens must inculcate. 

1. No Skipping Breakfast

For children, since it is the time for their growth and development, skipping meals, especially breakfast, could hamper their health in many ways. The breakfast should also pack their recommended daily intakes of key nutrients such as folate (important for the development of genetic material), calcium, iron and iodine (key in the development of thyroid function) than children who skipped breakfast.

2. Fatty Snacks Shouldn't be an Everyday Affair

Its okay to binge on some pizzas and fries once in a while. But make sure your kids don't make it an everyday affair. Bingeing on processed fats or trans-fats, can put them to a risk of obesity, diabetes and many more ailments. 

3. Eating Greens

As kids, we hated being told to eat our greens, but there is no denying the fact that greens are essential for the growth and development of children as well as the well-being of adults. Greens may not be a boring affair out and out. Sneak them into sandwiches, pizza, pasta and rolls and watch your fussy eater lick down his/her plate before you even realise. 

4. Loving Fruits

All fruits contain a range of nutrients that are beneficial for the body in various ways. They are the perfect sources to get one's daily dose of minerals and vitamins. Fruits should be included in children's diet to make them reap their benefits. Besides they are sweet and juicy, and wouldn't need much convincing for the kids to munch on.