Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony was held today (on January 22, 2024) in Ayodhya, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi presiding over the rituals. The grand ceremony was attened by about 7000 dignitaries including saints, political leaders, indulstrialists, film starts and sportsperons. The event was followed by prasad distribution that was specially curated for the invitees. Let's take a closer look at how the prasad box looked like.
According to a report by Times Of India, the box contains gur ki revdi, ghee mawa ladoo, ramdana chikki, Tulsi daal, akshat and roli, Ram diya and cardamom seeds.
During our research, we also came across a video on Viral Bhayani's social media handle, where we got a glimpse of the prasad box. A priest was seen explaining that the box contains five types of laddoos, water of Sarayu river, a box of sindoor from Hanuman Garhi and more.
Watch the video below:
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Earlier, a PTI report read that more than 20,000 packets of 'mahaprasad' was prepared for the ceremony by Gujarat's Bhagwa Sena Bharti Garvi and Sant Seva Sansthan, under the guidance of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust. The prasad, reportedly, was made with more than 5000kg ingredients including pure ghee, five types of dry fruits, sugar, and gram flour, by a team of about 200 people.
"We have been entrusted with the responsibility of preparing 'mahaprasad' along with making arrangements for the stay and food of the saints," said Kamal Bhai Rawal, the organisation's national president.