Arthritis refers to inflammation in a joint. This inflamed state causes redness, warmth, swelling, and pain within the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) is a condition that affects joints on both sides of the body, such as both hands, wrists and knees. According to a latest study, taking this inflammation lightly could be a risky affair especially for women. Women with Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) are 50 percent more likely to develop a lung disease.
The study published in the journal Arthritis Care & Research revealed that this inflammation could trigger COPD - the umbrella term for diseases from emphysema to acute bronchitis which can cause wheezing and breathlessness. Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have a 47 percent greater risk of the lung condition, while women with the condition see their danger rise by 61 percent, noted the researchers. For the study about 25,000 people with arthritis were monitored for over a decade. The findings revealed that along with the joints, the inflammation caused due to rheumatoid arthritis can also trigger lung diseases.
The researchers believe that the findings could prove to be an important material for the ongoing research on COPD. it has only recently been recognized that inflammation plays a role in the development of COPD, and clinicians treating people with rheumatoid arthritis are not aware that their patients are at increased risk of developing COPD.
It is important to control inflammation as soon as possible, noted the researchers. Frequent chest infections and chesty coughs, as well as waking up in the night feeling breathless, are some of the early symptoms that needs to be watched out for.
The study examined 24,625 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and 25,396 people who were free of the condition to record how many were hospitalised with COPD. The reseaerchers added that the results indicate the immediate need to control inflammation, and aim for complete eradication of inflammation through effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
A diet can play an important role in easing joint pain. Here are some foods that can come handy.
1. Millets
"People with joint issues and inflammation are asked not to have lot of grains, but millet flours are excellent for them," noted Anshul Jaibharat, a Delhi-based weight-management and diet expert. "Buckwheat is highly nutritious and also gluten-free. It contains quercetin that has anti-inflammatory properties," according to Dorling Kindersley's 'Healing Foods'.
2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Foods rich in omega 3 - including fish, nuts, dairy and eggs - are excellent for treating joint pain. Their anti-inflammatory properties work like magic.
3. Herbs and Spices
Ingredients like turmeric, ginger, coriander, onions, dill, and lemon among others are all excellent for joint inflammation.
4. Fruits and Berries
Apples, apricots, cranberries are some of the top foods that can bring relief to your aching, inflamed joints. "Fruits are loaded with antioxidants that help the body get rid of cell-damaging free radicals and suppress inflammation. Avoid oranges as they may make some arthritis pain worse," according to Dorling Kindersley's 'Healing Foods'.
5. Yogurt
Yogurt's soothing, cooling and anti-inflammatory properties are apt to tackle inflammation. It is also an excellent source of calcium for healthier, stronger bones.
So load up on these foods and help curb the inflammation in joints.