This Article is From Nov 14, 2017

World Diabetes Day: 12 Foods to Stay Away From

A little caution can go a long way in better diabetes management. Experts have time and again emphasized, the role of a good diet in diabetes management. Here are 12 Foods you must avoid in diabetes.

World Diabetes Day: 12 Foods to Stay Away From
World diabetes day is celebrated each year on 14th November. The International Diabetes Federation has declared this year's theme to be Women and Diabetes. Diabetes refers to a group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose). The sugar spike is due to an impaired insulin hormone, that triggers abnormal metabolism of carbohydrate and hike in sugar levels. According to the global survey conducted by Lancet journal, Diabetes was one of the top killers of the year 2016, claiming about 1.7 million deaths in the year gone by. Diabetes also happens to be one of the fastest growing conditions in the urban contemporary world. Diabetes has also been linked to obesity, and heart ailments. Lack of awareness about diabetes and its complications, delayed diagnosis, myths surrounding diabetes can make diabetes detection and management difficult. But it's not the time to develop cold feet just as yet, a little caution can go a long way in better diabetes management. Experts have time and again emphasized, the role of a good diet in diabetes management.

Here are 12 Foods you must avoid if you are a diabetic

1. Aerated Drinks and Sugary Drinks

Aerated beverages have been linked to increase in blood sugar levels in various studies, and hence must be avoided.


2. Fruit juices

Fruit juices especially packaged fruit juices are loaded with fructose that elevates the blood sugar levels.


3. Trans Fats

Several studies have found that large amounts of trans fats lead to negative effects on insulin, leading to elevated glucose and abnormal obesity.


4. White bread, refined pastas or rice

Ditch processed grains, such as white rice or white flour and go for Whole grains, such as brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, millet, or amaranth. They are low Glycemic Index foods. The glycemic index number associated with the carbohydrates in a particular type of food that indicates the effect of these carbohydrates on a individual's blood glucose level. Diabetes are recommended to have foods that are low on Glycemic index.


5. Baked Goods and Desserts

Love desserts? Well that may not be the best news for your insulin. Baked goods like cookies, cupcakes, and pastries set the blood glucose racing.

6. Flavoured yogurt

Flavoured yogurts with high sugar content should be avoided. Read the label, just because its yogurt doesn't make it a healthy choice. Check for the other ingredients too, 

7. Fast food

 Fried noodles, French fries, burgers and pastas are loaded in bad quality carbs which brings them in the category of High Glycemic Index foods and hence should be avoided at all costs.

8. Chips or nachos

Fried in refined oil, snacks like chips, nachos and fries are high Glycemic index food. The starchy foods are not the best picks for people with diabetes.

9. Honey

While artificial sugar is a strict no-no, even the natural sources of sugar like Honey,or even agave nectar and maple syrup, if consumed in excess can trigger your blood glucose levels.

10. Sweetened breakfast cereals

Opt for breakfast that is high on fibre and low in Glycemic index such as oats or upma for lesser risk of sugar spike

11. Regular jam, jelly, and preserves

Laden with Sugar, Jams jellies and sweet preserves can elevate your blood sugar levels severely.

12. Chickoo

 According to Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora " When it comes to diabetics eating fruits, there is a lot of confusion and the information is very misleading. Just remember that moderation is the key here. Too many chickoo (Sapota) could be a problem, rest almost all fruits in moderate quantity can be consumed."

Happy Word Diabetes Day!

