GSF Accelerator founder Rajesh Sawhney stirred an online debate on social media platform X by posting a picture of a Zomato delivery agent. In the picture, he pointed out the claim of "100% Green Deliveries" printed on the delivery agent's uniform. The entrepreneur, who also claims to be a Zomato shareholder, wrote, "'100% Green Deliveries' on "Petrol Bikes" delivering "teekhe meethe golpaggpe"?? Companies like Zomato should not make false claims just to sound cool. There is nothing "Green" in this pic."
“100% Green Deliveries” on “Petrol Bikes” delivering “trekhe meethe golpaggpe” ??
— Rajesh Sawhney (@rajeshsawhney) December 5, 2024
Companies like Zomato should not make false claims just to sound cool.
There is nothing “Green” in this pic.
Zomato's CEO responded to this post with multiple arguments to back his claims. "We offset more than 100% of the carbon our delivery fleet generates. We have been doing this for the last few years, while taking the required steps to reach our promise of Net Zero by 2030," Goyal replied, adding, "Also, we recycle more than 100% of the plastic used for food deliveries. At the same time, we are making significant progress on cutting down the usage of plastic being used for food packaging."
Also Read: Delhi Man's Humorous Take On Zomato's "Akansha Is On Leave" Goes Viral
Dismissing the idea of "false claim", Goyal wrote, "There's no greenwashing. Public companies like us cannot lie. There are enough public institutions to keep us honest and accountable."
We offset more than 100% of the carbon our delivery fleet generates. We have been doing this for the last few years, while taking the required steps to reach our promise of Net Zero by 2030.
— Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) December 5, 2024
Also, we recycle more than 100% of the plastic used for food deliveries. At the same…
Appreciating the response from Goyal, Sawhney said, "First of all, I appreciate that you care about "Green." As a shareholder in your company, I would appreciate it if you could share an audited report on "Offset" that entitles Zomato to claim "100% Green Deliveries" in 2024. From the tweet, I can infer that "Net Zero" will be achieved by 2030."
Also Read: Zomato Delists Suspicious "Single-Dish Restaurants" Which Could Be Selling Prohibited Items
He also encouraged him to consider using electric vehicles for food deliveries. A part of his post read, "Zomato is an "NCR HQ" company that we all admire and I am sure you can see the havoc pollution is causing to the health of people of NCR. You can really go 100% EV at least in Gurugram to create an example for all delivery companies to go "100% EV" in a time-bound manner."
First of all, I appreciate that you care about “Green.” As a shareholder in your company I would appreciate if you could share an audited report on “Offset” that entitles Zomato to claim “100% Green Deliveries.” In 2024. From the tweet, I can infer that “Net Zero” will be…
— Rajesh Sawhney (@rajeshsawhney) December 6, 2024
The debate left the internet divided. Take a look at some of the comments:
One wrote, "It takes time to replace, petrol vehicles with electric vehicles by a huge operator, but when we people will do this? Questioning others is very easy."
An X user noted, "I do see a major portion of my orders coming in EV." Another disagreed, "I got a message saying your delivery partner is on an EV scooter and he came in some petrol bike."
Appreciating Zomato, a customer wrote, "Some of the packaging that you send across is really super cool. It is evident that a lot of thoughts on sustainable practices have gone into it. Kudos to you."
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