This Article is From Oct 17, 2011

NRI woman locked up by in-laws, rescued

Ghaziabad: An Indian woman who came from Oman and married her lover was rescued on Sunday from a house in Ghaziabad where her in-laws locked her up and disappeared.

Mrinalinee Sinha of Muscat arrived in India some weeks back and married Pulkit Bharti, son of a Ghaziabad steel trader who befriended her over the Internet.

She was staying with her in-laws for some days. On Saturday, Mrinalinee found she had been locked up and the in-laws had vanished.

"The power and water connections were severed. The entire family was missing," she said.

Enraged and frightened, she phoned her lawyer, who called the police.

Mrinalinee said she came to India against the will of her parents and married Pulkit in a temple, after which they went to Jaipur for their honeymoon.

When they returned to Ghaziabad, Pulkit asked her to stay in a hotel as he feared his parents would not accept her.

"After staying there for over 20 days, I insisted on visiting his house. He asked me to wait for five minutes but vanished," she said.

Some days later, she managed to contact Pulkit's parents and lived with them - until Saturday.

Mrinalinee said she had filed a police complaint against Pulkit after he left her. The police failed to take any action, after which she approached the National Commission for Women (NCW).

NCW chairperson Mamta Sharma said that she had summoned the Ghaziabad police chief.

"The police are colluding with the culprits. They have neither taken any action on my FIR nor have they registered a criminal case for confining me illegally," Sinha said. "Had this happened in Muscat, the criminals would have been behind bars."
