In a shocking incident that took place on November 3 around 11 PM, a bike was dragged by a car in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad, according to news agency ANI. The car hit two motorcyclists on Thursday and dragged the bike for over a kilometre, the news agency further said, posting the screenshot of the video on its Twitter handle. The police took note of the video and tweeted to say that they have arrested the driver.
The entire video was recorded on camera after the bikers followed the driver, but he refused to stop. The incident took place in the Indirapuram area of Ghaziabad city.
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According to ANI, the car driver hit two bike riders and tried to flee the scene at high speed, dragging the motorcycle. Loud noises and sparks can be seen coming out of the two-wheeler which is stuck in the car's bumper. A few witnesses the news agency spoke to said they tried to stop the car but the driver sped away. They asked him to come out of the car after removing the car keys but he refused.
Ghaziabad Police took to Twitter and posted a video related to the incident. The police also informed that the two bikers - residents of Kaushambi - were going somewhere when a car hit them from behind. Along with the video, they wrote in caption, "In relation to the viral video of a bike being dragged from the car by the car driver in the police station Indirapuram area, there is an incident of byte-d. 03.11.22 of CO Indirapuram, the bike rider is safe, the car has been seized by the police and the driver has been arrested. Advance legal action being taken."