A BJP legislator in Goa claimed that he might face raids from central agencies if he spoke against his own party."For the last twenty years, I have not been in wrong news. I do not know what will happen from tomorrow," said Francis D'Souza, who was law minister in the Manohar Parrikar-led cabinet before being dropped.
"I might get raided by Income Tax, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Enforcement Directorate (ED), or I may be even booked under the National Security Act for speaking against the party," he said.
Mr D'Souza alleged that a former minister in the Laxmikant Parsekar government was raided by the Income Tax department after he spoke against the party for not giving him ticket in the 2017 assembly election.
Goa BJP chief Vinay Tendulkar could not be contacted for his comments on D'Souza's statement.