Rs 14 crore in cash, jewellery worth Rs one crore and seven luxury cars, including a BMW, Jeep and Mercedes - this immense wealth has been recovered from a Border Security Force officer in Haryana. BSF Deputy Commandant Praveen Yadav, who was posted in the National Security Guard headquarters (NSG) at Manesar in Gurgaon district, has now been arrested for cheating people of Rs 125 crore while posing as an Indian Police Service officer, police said.
The Gurgaon police has also arrested the officer's wife, Mamta Yadav, sister Ritu and an accomplice.
Posing as an IPS officer, Mr Yadav took crores of rupees from people on pretext of getting construction contracts in the NSG campus. "He got all the money of the fraud transferred to a fake account in the name of NSG. This account was opened by his sister Ritu Yadav, who is a manager in Axis Bank," the police said.
"Praveen Yadav suffered a loss of Rs 60 lakh in the stock market and he planned to recover the money by cheating people," said Preet Pal Singh, ACP Crime, Gurgaon Police.
According to the police, Mr Yadav recently got a posting in Agartala but he had amassed so much wealth by cheating people that, a few days ago, he resigned from the post.
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