The police in Gurugram has arrested three people after a viral video showed them bursting firecrackers on top of a moving car's boot space. The black sedan appears to be heading towards DLF Phase-III while putting on an explosive show ad firecrackers are seen launching several feet in the air. The video was captured by a person driving behind the car and uploaded on social media where it immediately gained traction. The incident took place on the night of Diwali (October 24).
Since being shared, the video amassed millions of views, with several users complaining to the Gurugram Police to take action.
The police took cognisance of the video and a case was filed in DLF Phase-III police station. The three young men arrested have been identified as Nakul, Jatin and Krishna.
Ahead of Diwali, Gurugram District Collector and Deputy Commissioner Nishant Kumar Yadav had imposed a complete ban on the manufacture, sale and operation of all types of firecrackers other than green crackers.
The official order said that the ban will be applicable in the entire Gurugram district and remain effective till January 31, 2023.
In the orders issued by the Deputy Commissioner, it has been said that as per the order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) and Haryana State Pollution Control Board, the manufacture, operation and sale of all types of firecrackers other than green firecrackers have been banned in the entire state including NCR region. This decision has been taken in view of the increasing pollution in the state.
The District Collector cited the order of the Supreme Court that pollution has adverse effects on health. According to Mr Yadav, the board has said that between October and January, the level of pollution increases significantly in the state, due to which children, the elderly and sick people start having difficulty in breathing, hence a ban has been imposed on firecrackers.