This Article is From May 28, 2012

Akhil Gogoi breaks fast after nine days

Guwahati: Team Anna member Akhil Gogoi broke his fast after nine days at the request of the Gandhian leader, Anna Hazaare but said that his campaign against big dams would continue.

Akhil Gogoi, who has been on an indefinite fast since May 19, was fed a glass of juice by another Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal at around 3.30 pm.

"I also request others who have been fasting with me to break their fast and get ready for renewed struggle," a visibly weak looking Mr Gogoi said after breaking his fast at the Lakhidar Bora Khetra, where hundreds of members of his Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) have been campaiging for the past few days.

Mr Kejriwal, who flew down from New Delhi on Monday, first met Mr Gogoi at the Guwahati Medical College and later both of them went to the campaign site.

Police had, last week, forcible removed Mr Gogoi from the site and admitted him to the GMC after health deteriorated.

Mr Kejriwal said that Mr Gogoi broke his fast after a telephonic conversation with Anna Hazare.

"Anna told Akhil not to confine himself to anti-dam movement in Assam and instead take over leadership of the civil society's fight across the country. He has suggested that Akhil undertakes a nation-wide tour and bring together all like-minded groups," Mr Kejriwal said.

"Anna also told Akhil that he will fast together with him the next time," he said.

Mr Kejriwal accused the Assam government of adopting force against the anti-dam activists and said that the police action against Mr Gogoi and his supporters in the middle of the night was similar to the Delhi police's against Baba Ramdev and his group last year.