The appendix is a small finger-shaped pouch present at the lower side of your abdomen. The appendix provides no vital function and one can live a healthy life without it. Sometimes, there is a blockage or obstruction in the appendix, causing inflammation. This inflammation in the appendix, leading to a sharp pain is known as appendicitis. This pain is usually strong and becomes worse as inflammation increases. Appendix pain starts around the navel and then moves towards the right abdomen. If not treated immediately, appendicitis can cause the appendix to rupture and release harmful bacteria into your abdomen. Therefore, it is extremely important to urgently report symptoms of appendicitis to a doctor. In this article, let's discuss the signs and symptoms of appendicitis.
Appendix pain: Know the signs and symptoms
Appendix pain can lead to the following symptoms:
- Mild fever
- Sudden abdominal pain on the right side
- Pain that worsens while coughing and walking
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea and other digestive issues
It is wise to consult a doctor immediately (within 48 hours) after the onset of these symptoms.
Appendicitis presents similar symptoms in children.
Risk factors
Age: This condition is more common in teens and people in their 20s.
Sex: Appendicitis affects more men than women
Family history: Those with a family history of appendicitis are at a higher risk of developing it.
Usually, surgery is performed to remove the appendix. Blood tests, CT scan and urine are commonly performed during diagnosis.
If not treated on time appendicitis can lead to severe complication, including:
A rupture can spread infection throughout your abdomen, which can be life-threatening. Appendix burst can also lead to pus build-up in the abdomen.
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