Hypertension is a common health issue. Similarly, many experience hypotension. It is a condition in which blood pressure numbers are lower than normal. Low blood pressure can show some symptoms like blurry vision, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting, trouble concentration, weakness or light-headedness. There can be a variety of reasons behind low blood pressure like anemia, dehydration, consumption of fewer calories, low blood sugar levels, certain medications, stress and any more. Just like high blood pressure, you can fight hypotension with simple modifications in diet and lifestyle. Here are some foods you can add to your diet to fight low blood pressure.
Foods to fight low blood pressure naturally
1. More fluids
Staying hydrated can help you control your blood pressure. Dehydration can decrease blood volume and result in a drop in blood pressure. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day with other drinks including coconut water, juices and many more.
2. Salt
Salty food can raise blood pressure. People suffering from hypertension are advised to reduce salt intake. Those with low blood pressure can add more salt to raise their blood pressure numbers. You can try olives, cottage cheese or canned goods which have high salt content.
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3. Foods high in vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause anemia which is one of the most common causes of low blood pressure. Adding more vitamin B 12 can help you fight several health issues as well as low blood pressure.
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4. Caffeine
Caffeine consumption can give you instant relief from low blood pressure. You can prepare a cup of coffee to raise your blood pressure numbers. But too much caffeine can be harmful for you. Avoid too much consumption of caffeine.
5. Eat small meals frequently
Consumption of very few calories can also result in low blood pressure. Large meals are harder to digest and can cause a drastic drop in blood pressure. You should choose small healthy meals which can also help you fight weight gain.
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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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