This Article is From Sep 24, 2019

Breast Cancer: What Puts You At A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer? Know Some Prevention Steps

There are multiple factors which can put you at a higher risk of breast cancer. Some of these factors are modifiable whereas others are non-modifiable. Here are some factors which you must know. Also, know breast cancer prevention steps.

Breast Cancer: What Puts You At A Higher Risk Of Breast Cancer? Know Some Prevention Steps

A breast lump is the first noticeable symptom of breast cancer


  • Breast cancer cases are on a rise from the past few years
  • As you age you are at a higher risk of breast cancer
  • Not just women, men can also suffer from breast cancer

When there is abnormal growth in the cells of the breast it leads to breast cancer. Early detection and treatment can help in controlling cancer. Not just women, men can also suffer from breast cancer but the chances are very rare. Breast cancer cases are on a rise from the past few years. A breast lump is the first noticeable symptom of breast cancer. Symptoms other than a lump include- pain around the breast and the armpit, change in the skin over the breast, redness around the breast, discharge from nipples which may contain blood, change in the shape of the breast or scaling of the skin around the breast. There are certain factors which can put an individual at a higher risk of breast cancer. Some of them are modifiable whereas others are non-modifiable.

Risk factors of breast cancer

1. Age

Age a non-modifiable factor which cannot be changed. As you age, the risk of breast cancer increases. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer at above the age of 45. With age, women should get themselves checked for breast cancer at least once.

Also read: Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Breast Cancer In Young Women

2. Family history

It is another non-modifiable which can increase the risk of breast cancer. If someone in your family had a history of breast cancer, you must get yourself checked at a young age itself. Sometimes family history may play a role whereas in some cases it won't affect.

3. Weight

Your body weight can also affect your risk of developing breast cancer. Being overweight especially after menopause can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. But is a modifiable factor which can be controlled. If you are overweight you need to lose weight to reduce your risk.

Also read: 6 Best Foods To Cut Breast Cancer Risk

4. Early menstruation

If your first menstruation cycle comes before the age of 12 then you are a risk of breast cancer. Early menstruation increases the exposure to endogenous estrogen which puts you at a higher risk.


Breast Cancer Risk Factors: Early menstruation can increase the risk of breast cancer
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Drinking alcohol

Alcohol is bad for health it can also put a woman at a higher risk of breast cancer. When compared to non-drinkers, women who consume up to 2-5 drinks a day are at a much higher risk. This is another modifiable risk factor which can be controlled.

Breast cancer prevention steps

Being a woman itself puts you at a higher risk of developing breast cancer. You can follow some steps to prevent your risk of developing breast cancer. Some prevention steps include-

  1. Check your doctor for a screening or mammography at least once
  2. Try self-examination and check for the presence of a lump or any change in the appearance of your breast
  3. Limit your alcohol intake
  4. Manage a healthy weight
  5. Exercise on a regular basis
  6. Consume a healthy diet

Also read: Is Mammography Test To Spot Breast Cancer Necessary At All?

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
