This Article is From Apr 23, 2020

Constipation During Lockdown: Top 3 Foods That Will Show Magical Results

Constipation remedies: Ghee with jaggery after lunch, a melon post lunch and til roti for dinner are the three magical remedies that can offer relief from constipation. Read here to know more.

Constipation During Lockdown: Top 3 Foods That Will Show Magical Results

Constipation: Drink sufficient water to keep constipation away


  • Have some ghee with jaggery post lunch to beat constipation
  • This can also help in preventing sugar cravings caused by constipation
  • Sesame seeds roti for dinner can prevent constipation

Did you know that constipation is a common problem experienced by people with diabetes, blood pressure issues, PCOD, thyroid disorders and poor sleep quality? This indigestion condition can cause discomfort, stomach pain and abdominal bloating. Constipation should not be ignored. If it does not happen too regularly, you can let it go. However, not having a bowel movement for even three days a week is something that should concern you. In this article, we talk about the three foods recommended by nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar to beat constipation effectively.

3 foods that can prevent constipation and when you should eat them

It is important to address the issue of constipation right now as during lockdown, many people are constipated. Lesser physical activity, sitting for too long, not drinking sufficient water and not eating fibre-rich foods can be responsible for this. Following are a few remedies that can work like magic for reliving constipation:

Also read: 7 Underrated, Natural Remedies For Constipation

1. Have jaggery and ghee right after lunch

Jaggery is a rich source of iron and ghee is a good source of essential fats. Iron and fats together can facilitate smoother digestion anf lining of the intestine. They also help in improving assimilation of nutrients and optimum excretion of toxins.

An important point to note is that constipation is often accompanied by sugar cravings. This sugar craving is at its peak after eating lunch and dinner. You can take powdered jaggery and mix it with some ghee and have it after your lunch.

2. Have a local melon around 3 to 4 pm

Around 3 to 4 pm, you can have any melon. Dehydration is a common cause of constipation and melons are extremely hydrating it in nature. They can also improve electrolyte balance in the body. Instead of having a stimulant like tea or coffee after lunch, which will only further constipate you, have a melon.


During summer, you can have any local melon after lunch to improve hydration and prevent constipation
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Post-Workout Drinks: Reasons Why You Should Drink Watermelon Juice After Working Out

3. Til with roti or bhakri in dinner

Constipation can also make you experience joint pain. It also makes your skin and hair feel dry. Have till seeds as part of your roti for dinner. Til or sesame seeds are rich in fibre, Vitamin E and essential fatty acids that help in improving digestion. You can add til while kneading the dough and have it for dinner. Also add some ghee, salt, red chili powder to the dough. Prepare a roti and have it for dinner. Do not have your dinner later than 7 or 8 pm.

Try these and let us know if they help you get rid of constipation.

Also read: Why Fibre: The One Effective Macronutrient For Constipation And Weight Loss

(Rujuta Diwekar is a nutritionist based in Mumbai)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
