This Article is From Sep 19, 2018

From Reducing Heart Disease Risks To Aiding Stronger Bones, Why You Must Include Dairy In Your Diet

Health benefits of dairy: Consuming dairy products in moderation can help in reducing risks of heart disease and stroke, a new study has found. Consuming dairy products in moderation is good for health.


Dairy contains good amount of calcium for strong bones


  • Consuming milk, yogurt or cheese can reduce heart disease, stroke risk
  • Dairy products are rich in calcium
  • You can have dairy products in moderation for good health

In times of fad diets and the flourishing weight loss industry, some of the very common everyday commodities have taken a backseat. With low-carb diets being the most popular of them all, carbs have become quite infamous. In the name of weight loss, people have begun to give up on some basic day-to-day food items like rice and whole wheat chapatti. What's more is that even dairy products have become popular for not being healthy because of their fat content. Many people ditch dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and paneer from their diet thinking they may interfere with their weight loss goals. Dietitians and nutritionists continue to have scattered views about dairy and if it is healthy or not. But if latest research is to be believed, consuming dairy products in moderation can help in reducing risks of heart disease and stroke.

According to the study, conducted by Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology and published in the The Lancet, people whole consumed more than 2 serving of milk, yogurt or cheese in a day were at reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and death, as compared to those who consumed lesser.

Moderate consumption of dairy is good for health
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Dairy Plus These 5 Foods Are Your Key To Stronger Bones

The study included more than 1,35,000 people from 21 countries. Researchers came to the above conclusion by following up on these people for about 9 years.


The interesting aspect is that results of the study were true even for those who consumed full-fat dairy. The study is indicative of the fat that dairy consumption must not be discouraged.

It is because of high saturated fat content in dairy which can be credited for its bad reputation. Saturated fat can increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the body. This can in turn increase risks of heart disease. Furthermore, extra fat in dairy can also contribute to weight gain.


Also read: These Are The Best Dairy-Free Sources Of Calcium For Your Lactose Intolerant Child

In the meantime, it has to be noted that dairy contains many essential nutrients as well. These include unsaturated fats, vitamins k-1 and k-2, probiotics, calcium and amino acids. It thus not a wise to only focus on saturated fat in dairy.


When it comes to losing weight or staying fit, the key is to do everything in moderation. You might lose weight by giving up on carbs and dairy. But there are chances you might end up with nutritional deficiencies and lose health alongside losing weight.

Dairy products are a good source of calcium
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Dairy: Is It Good Or Bad For You?

So, as far as consuming dairy products is concerned, you must do it, but in moderation. It will provide with you essential nutrients like calcium, which is a very important prerequisite for healthy bones.


For those who are lactose intolerant, here are some alternatives which you can opt for.

(With inputs from healthline)


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 
