This Article is From Jun 18, 2017

Father's Day 2017: My Daddy Strongest! Help Your Dads Become Healthier This Father's Day

In the Indian society and across the world, while children may find a way to communicate their love to their mothers, our tough fathers rarely get to hear a few words of love called out for them. It's time to change that and what day than today - Happy Father's Day!


Happy Father's Day 2017: Do all you can to keep your dads healthy!

If you have been looking for a way to simply thank your dad for being there for you, today's the day. This is not to say that you can take you father for granted and not show him your love anytime else, but that to do it, at least today. In the Indian society and across the world, while children may find a way to communicate their love to their mothers, our tough fathers rarely get to hear a few words of love called out for them. And it is often this strong and bold exterior of our dads that prevent them from asking for anyone's help. But it is time you do.

As your responsibilities grow, it is easy to forget about simple health issues that can become detrimental to your or your father's health. Here are 4 pressing health considerations every father should be on guard of and every child should make her dad pay attention to, especially today on Father's Day:

1. Mental health

Maintaining relationships is never easy. As you age, you become more resistant to change and slight disturbances caused in your routine when your children or partner or friends want some adventure can make you feel irritated. But social isolation can make you feel depressed and even lead to an unhappy life or suicide. Some common warning signs of this kind of depression are excessive sleeping, agitation, restlessness, changes in appetite and trouble concentrating. Look out for these symptoms and if you feel that you or your dad is experiencing isolation, encourage him to work harder in his relationships. Vent out your stress by talking. Alternatively, read about work-life balance or let your children (if they are old enough to know) tell you about it.

Also read tips to manage stress and anxiety.

2. Diet

Poor nutrition and too many eat outs can make you obese and irritable. Eating junk food regularly can mean that you are increasing your risk of getting heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. Men who are regular drinkers of alcohol also tend to overeat since the chemicals in alcohol repress their feeling of fullness. Ensure that you or your dad only consume the required amount of calories, which is about 2300 for active Indian males. Additionally, it is important that you exercise to keep your body fit. Running in a nearby park is ideal. Do it today on Happy Father's Day as a family activity.

Also read: Father's Day 2017: There Cannot Be A Better Gift For Your Father This Year, Top 10 Gifts For Father's day

3. Power

Fathers, as the traditional bearers of household power often find it difficult to give up their reigns. But according to research by Mayo Clinic, the responsibilities of holding a position of power increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This includes heart disease, stroke, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and atrial fibrillation. So it is important that you let your children and partner take over the making of some decisions of your life. Be prepared for children to show you where you are out of balance, it is normal. And necessary. Let your children solve issues like who had the bigger portion or who is loved more, by themselves.

4. Smoking

Older smokers sustain greater lung damage over time because they tend to have been smoking longer; they also tend to be heavier smokers. So all the harmful effects of smoking are magnified for you and so more life-taking. Smoking is known to be the biggest reason for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which is the fourth largest reason for death among men. It is high time you gave up on this habit of yours.

If you don't generally celebrate Happy Father's day every year, this time you have reason to do. Give him the best gift: Make your father aware of the dangers of negligence and ask him to lead a healthier life.

Often this strong and bold exterior of our dads that prevent them from asking for anyone's help
Photo Credit: iStock

Happy Father's Day, Dad!
