Feeling Sluggish? Nutritionist Says Iron Deficiency Could Be The Hidden Culprit

Iron plays a vital role in energy production and overall health, making it essential to address potential deficiencies.

Feeling Sluggish? Nutritionist Says Iron Deficiency Could Be The Hidden Culprit

Incorporating vitamin C into your meals can significantly improve the absorption of nonheme iron

Are you constantly feeling tired or sluggish, attributing it to your hectic schedule? Think again. Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal reveals that iron deficiency might be the culprit behind your fatigue. Iron plays a vital role in energy production and overall health, making it essential to address potential deficiencies. Iron is crucial for various bodily functions, including energy production, oxygen transport, immune function and brain function. Without sufficient iron, our bodies cannot function optimally, leading to fatigue, weakness and low productivity. It is essential to recognise the signs of iron deficiency and take proactive steps to maintain adequate iron levels.

Fortunately, enhancing iron absorption is easier than you might think. Nmami Agarwal has shared expert advice to increase iron absorption. 

Tips to boost iron absorption

  1. Ascorbic acid synergy: Incorporating vitamin C into your meals can significantly improve the absorption of nonheme iron, which is found in plant-based foods. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries and bell peppers, can be excellent companions for your iron sources.
  2. Probiotic influence: Including certain probiotic strains, particularly those from fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir and kimchi, can positively impact iron bioavailability. Probiotics help improve gut health, which may aid in better iron absorption.
  3. Cast iron cookware: Cooking in cast iron pots and pans can improve your dietary iron intake. The iron leaches into the food while cooking.
  4. Phytic acid reduction: Soaking grains and legumes before cooking can help reduce phytic acid, a substance that inhibits iron absorption. 
  5. Calcium interference: Be mindful of consuming calcium-rich foods alongside iron-containing meals. Calcium can interfere with iron absorption, so it's best to space them out.

Ways to incorporate these tips

In her post, Nmami Agarwal suggests practical ways to increase iron absorption:

  • Always pair with vitamin C: Whenever you consume an iron source, whether it's spinach, lentils, or red meat, include a source of vitamin C to facilitate absorption.
  • Include probiotics: Try incorporating fermented foods into your daily diet, as they can aid in better iron utilisation.
  • Use cast iron cookware: Switch to cast iron pots and pans for cooking to naturally boost your iron intake.
  • Soak grains: Make it a habit to soak grains and legumes before cooking to enhance their nutritional profile.

Feeling tired doesn't always mean you need more rest. It could be your body's way of signalling low iron levels. By implementing these straightforward tips to enhance iron absorption, you can improve your energy levels and overall well-being. 

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
