This Article is From Aug 01, 2019

Forget BMI; Find Out How Much Weight You Need To Lose With The All New String Method

Are you trying to lose weight? You need to know the amount of weight you need to lose. BMI is generally used to calculate the amount of extra belly you need to lose. Here is a new string method which can give results better than BMI.


String method will take no time to measure extra body fat


  • BMI can help you determine the amount of weight you need to lose
  • A piece of string can help you measure body fat
  • This new method can give results better than BMI

BMI- body mass index is the scientific approach to measure the extra fat accumulated on your body. It can help you to exactly measure the amount of weight you need to lose. Everyone is afraid of gaining weight. Weight gain is associated with various serious health risks. A research claimed that a piece of string can help you measure the extra body fat better than BMI. This may be sound a little inappropriate but the study claims that it can give you more accurate results than BMI. The study also explained that this test will not take much time and will help you counter the side effects of excess weight.

How to measure excess weight with string method?

This string method will tell if you are overweight quickly. You can use this method and conduct the test by yourself to get the right results. To start this test you need a string and cut it to the same length as your height. Now fold the string from the middle and wrap it around your waist.

Also read: Weight Loss Tips: Add These Filling Foods To Your Diet To Keep Belly Fat At Bay


If the ends do not meet, you are overweight which means you need to lose weight. Abnormal BMI is a clear indicator of the urgent need to lose weight. A healthy weight will ensure your overall health and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Restricted diet can help you lose weight effectively
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Spinach For Weight Loss: A Cup Of Spinach A Day Can Make You Lose Weight Quickly, Know How And Other Health Benefits

Practical ways to lose weight

If the string indicates that you are weight, do not worry you can lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. A restricted diet and exercise are the most effective ways to lose weight. There are some practical ways to lose weight. Here are some of them which you can follow.

1. Add more protein to your diet which can help you improve your metabolism. Better metabolism will result in better weight loss.


2. Avoid sugar as much as possible. Less sugar intake can result in better weight management and better weight loss.

3. You need to burn more calories than you eat. Count the calories you are consuming in a day so that you burn more calories to lose weight.


4. Never skip your breakfast. Breakfast the most important meal which you should never miss. If you skip breakfast, you are more likely to consume more calories throughout the day. Eat a heavy and filling breakfast.

5. Sleep properly for at least 6-8 hours. Inadequate sleep triggers hunger hormone which can make you eat more. Therefore, you should ensure a good night's sleep.


Also read: Weight Loss Diet: Protein-Rich Snacks Under 100 Calories

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
