This Article is From Sep 21, 2018

Half An Hour Walk Can Reduce Severity Of Stroke: Here's Everything You Need To Know

Walking for just 35 minutes in a day can help in having less severe strokes, finds a new study. Participating in light to moderate physical activity such swimming for 2 to 3 hours in a week can also be helpful.

Half An Hour Walk Can Reduce Severity Of Stroke: Here's Everything You Need To Know

35 minutes of walk can reduce stroke severity, new study finds


  • 35 minutes of walk can help in reducing stroke severity
  • Moderate physical activity is important for preventing stroke
  • High blood pressure increases risk of stroke

Time and again, we have talked about how beneficial physical activity is for everyone. People of all age groups, from teenagers to the elderly, must exercise by engaging in sports or by going for a walk or a run, etc. Apart from benefitting your overall health, walking for just 35 minutes in a day can help in having less severe strokes, finds a new study. Also, participating in light to moderate physical activity such swimming for 2 to 3 hours in a week may also have less severe strokes as compared to people who are physically inactive. In order to determine physical activity, participants who suffered from stroke were asked how much exercise they were involved in before the attack.

Participants were asked about their leisure time before the stroke, the duration and intensity of exercise for determining the average amount of physical activity. Also, relatives of the participants were asked to confirm exercise levels if required.


Moderate exercise can help in reducing severity of stroke
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Too Many People Unnecessarily Die From Stroke

One of the major causes of disability is stroke. It is thus important to find out ways to reduce disability. This study, full findings of which are present in journal Neurology,  is indicative that even a small amount of physical activity can reduce severity of stroke. The small duration of physical activity has been defined as walking for at least 4 hours in a week. Moderate physical activity, on the other hand, has been defined as more intense kind of exercise such as running, brisk walking or swimming for 2 to 3 hours of week.

52% participants of the study reported to be physically inactive before having a stroke. Researchers found that people who engaged in light to moderate physical activity before their stroke were two times more likely to have a mild stroke rather than a moderate or severe stroke as compared to people who were more physically active.

Also read: Did You Know: Unmanaged CrossFit Can Lead To Brain Stroke!

Additionally, people can also work towards reducing the risk factors which increase risks of stroke. Read below to know ways to prevent stroke.

Other ways to prevent stroke

Lower blood pressure

People with high blood pressure are at huge risks of stroke and they should thus work towards keeping their blood pressure under control. Cutting down on salt intake, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, eating fresh fruits and vegetables and quitting smoking are the best ways to control blood pressure.


People with high blood pressure are at high risks of stroke
Photo Credit: iStock

Limit alcohol consumption

Heavy drinkers are at high risks of stroke. Consumption of alcohol must be done in limited amounts in order to reduce stroke risk and also maintain overall health.

Also read: Luke Coutinho Tells How You Can Prevent Sudden Strokes And Heart Attacks

Lose weight

People who are overweight or obese are at high risks of stroke. Obesity can lead to many complications such as increasing blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. Exercise more and reduce intake of calories in order to lose weight and prevent stroke.

All in all, a healthy lifestyle is the key to keeping stroke, and most other diseases away.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 
