Hypertension: Add These Winter Foods To Your Diet To Control Blood Pressure Naturally

Here are some winter foods that you must add to your diet for healthy blood pressure numbers.

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High Blood Pressure: Oranges can help you lower blood pressure numbers

The winter season can negatively affect your blood pressure numbers. During the winter season, when your body comes in contact with the cold temperature, the blood vessels shrink, contributing to elevated blood pressure. However, it can managed with the right precautions. From diet to lifestyle, many factors can affect your blood pressure numbers. Here we've a list of winter foods that can help control your blood pressure effectively.

Hypertension diet: Winter foods for high blood pressure

1. Oranges

Oranges are easily available during the winter season. This citrus fruit can offer multiple health benefits. It is also good for people with hypertension.

Oranges are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium that can lower blood pressure numbers. Studies have also highlighted that orange juice effectively controls hypertension.

Oranges can help you control high blood pressure
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Orange: An Amazing Winter Fruit For Diabetes, Weight Loss, Skin And Much More; Know All Health Benefits

2. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is a well-known for its ability to control blood pressure. You can find bananas almost throughout the year. You can start your day with a banana or enjoy it as an evening snack.

3. Carrots

The presence of fibre and potassium in carrots contributes to reduced blood pressure. Carrots are also good for your vision and weight loss.

This winter add carrots to your diet to control blood pressure
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Speed Up Your Weight Loss Process With Carrots This Winter; Know Other Health Benefits

4. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are highly nutritious. During the winter season, you can find a variety of green leafy vegetables that can be prepared in multiple ways. Some of the leafy greens which you can add to your diet may include- spinach, methi leaves, sarso and kale.


It is also essential to stay physically active for a healthy heart. As the temperature continues to fall, try some indoor exercises.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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