This Article is From Oct 17, 2018

How The Navratri Special Chickpeas Can Help You Lose Weight: Other Health Benefits Of Chickpeas

Black chickpeas or Kala Chana is packed with essential nutrients and can help in treating stomach disorders and digestive problems. Many people also use the water from boiling black peas as it is extremely nutritious for children suffering from colic pains and can treat cold and flu as well.

How The Navratri Special Chickpeas Can Help You Lose Weight: Other Health Benefits Of Chickpeas

Black chickpeas are nutrient dense and can help you to stay healthier naturally.


  • Black chickpeas are nutrient dense and can help you to stay healthier
  • Include black chickpeas in your diet if you want to lose weight
  • Black chickpeas are a great source of protein

Everyone is celebrating Navratri with great enthusiasm and ecstasy. Maha Ashtami or Ram Navami are one of the most auspicious days of the nine days long festival. This year Durga Ashtami falls on the 17th of October and Ram Navami will be celebrated on the 18th of October. On these two significant days, generally sooji ka halwa (semolina porridge) and black chickpeas are made to offer the young girls. Along with these one or two dry vegetables, a yogurt dish (raita), and poori is made for the feast. But the food is prepared without onion and garlic. The entire food is first offered to God and then to young girls.

Indian garbanzo beans or black chickpeas are small in size and darker than the garbanzo beans. They are grown in temperate regions, such as the United States. Black chickpeas or Kala Chana is packed with essential nutrients and can help in treating stomach disorders and digestive problems. Many people also use the water from boiling black peas as it is extremely nutritious for children suffering from colic pains and can treat cold and flu as well. Black chickpeas are nutrient dense and can help you to stay healthier. They help in clearing the digestive tract, prevents bloating and belching if consumed regularly. Additionally they contain enough roughage to smoothen the excretory cycle of the body. They are amazing in retaining the nutrition of the body and getting rid of diarrhea. Nutritionist Dr. Rupali Dutta says, "The ingredients that go into the preparation of black chickpeas are also healthy. These ingredients include herbs and spices like garam masala, turmeric, ginger, coriander and amchoor (a powder which is made by unripe green mangoes), ghee or cooking oil. These traditional Indian spices are beneficial for your health. However, you should be careful while using the cooking oil and ghee."

Also read: After Week-Long Navratri Fasting, Here's How You Should Get Back To Regular Eating Routine

Top 5 health benefits of black chickpeas:

1. Weight loss:

A diet high in fiber lowers your cholesterol levels and can help in preventing constipation. Fiber also helps regulate blood-sugar levels in individuals with diabetes. The nutritionist further added, "Black chickpeas are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber which helps you keep full for longer, thereby helping in weight loss. Therefore, include black chickpeas in your diet if you want to shed those extra kilos."


A diet high in fiber lowers your cholesterol levels and can help in preventing constipation.
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Protein:

Non-vegetarians can get their proteins from eggs, fish and meat. In order to increase the protein intake vegetarians can include black chickpeas in their diet. "Black chickpeas are a great source of protein for vegetarians as these legumes provide significant amounts of protein which are comparable to that of meat and dairy products. The best part about them is that they do not contain high calories or saturated fats," nutritionist added.

Also read: Rujuta Diwekar's Eating Plan For Navratri 2018: You Simply Cannot Miss This!

3. Boosting immunity:

Black chickpeas are a rich source of iron, which can help prevent anemia and boost your energy levels. This is particularly beneficial for pregnant women as well as growing children. Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin by transporting oxygen from the lungs to all the body cells. As an added benefit, black chickpeas are an important component of enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism.

4. A healthy heart:

Black chickpeas are nutrient dense and rich in all the essential minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and potassium. These nutrients have been linked to boost heart health. The reason is these nutrients may help in lowering cholesterol levels, preventing high blood pressure which is a major risk factor for heart disease.


Black chickpeas have been linked to boost heart health.
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Diabetes:

Chickpeas have certain nutrients which are known to support blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic patients must include this legume in their diet. The fiber and protein in chickpeas helps prevent your blood sugar levels from rising too quickly immediately after eating, which is a major factor in diabetes management. Moreover, their low glycemic index (GI) makes a perfect choice for those with diabetes, as they are unlikely to lead to blood sugar spikes. They are also a great source of several vitamins and minerals like magnesium, vitamins and zinc which reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Chickpeas have certain nutrients which are known to support blood sugar level
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Wondering What To Eat During Navratri Fasting? Here Are 6 Healthy Meals You Can Choose From

(Dr Rupali Datta is Consultant Nutritionist at Fortis Escorts)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 
