How To Lose Weight And Eat The Right Amount Of Food: Identify Body Signals

Pooja Malhotra said that identifying these signals is "fairly simple". The first and most important thing to do during a weight loss journey is to put the gadgets, including the mobile phone, away.

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When you sit down to eat, make that connection between your gut and your brain

Losing weight has become a serious preoccupation with many people. They are so obsessed with cutting the flab that they often consult nutritionists to know how many rotis or what amount of paneer or chicken they should eat during a meal. To answer questions related to weight loss, nutritionist Pooja Malhotra has shared an update on her Instagram account. She says our body gives us signals and we need to pay attention to them. One of the signals it gives us is the feeling of fullness after a meal.

But how do you identify these signals that our body sends to our brain? Pooja Malhotra said that identifying these signals is “fairly simple”. The first and most important thing to do during a weight loss journey is to put the gadgets, including the mobile phone, away.

“Also when you sit down to eat, make that connection between your gut and your brain. Eat mindfully and chew slowly, so that you give your body the time to process what's happening and give you that fullness signal,” she added in an Instagram video titled, “The secret to weight loss”.


The nutritionist also shared a pro-tip: never eat 200 percent of your perceived capacity. Sometimes it happens. We tend to eat a delicious and mouth-watering meal more than we need or could digest and then we start feeling uncomfortable.


Pooja Malhotra regularly shares tips on how to improve our overall health by identifying what our body needs and how to eat the right food. She recently shared tips to control sugar cravings, a major factor in controlling weight gain.


Her measures included: increasing intake of water, using distraction as a tool, and choosing foods that are naturally sweet over those that are made by adding refined sugar.

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