Increase Bone Density Through These Tips To Lower Risks Of Osteoarthritis

Here are simple ways through which you can increase your bone density and decrease the risks of osteoarthritis.

Read Time: 5 mins
Eating foods rich in calcium can improve our bone density

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common bone-related disorders. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases we might develop in our later years. Many influences can increase one's risk of Osteoarthritis.

On the other hand, one may be able to lower the risks of Osteoarthritis by altering certain factors. As mentioned, Osteoarthritis affects the health of our bones, joints, and muscles. Lack of bone density makes our bones prone to such diseases. In this article, we list simple ways through which you can improve your bone density.

10 ways through which you can improve your bones' density and lower the risk of Osteoarthritis:

1. Eat more calcium

The main nutrient for strong bones is calcium. Getting adequate calcium in one's diet is crucial since bones develop and degrade every day. Instead of having one high-calcium meal each day, it is recommended to spread out your calcium intake throughout the day.

2. Quit smoking

Although smoking is frequently linked to lung cancer and respiratory problems, it can also lead to bone diseases like osteoporosis and raise the risk of bone fractures. Smoking should be avoided in order to ensure good bone density, especially in adolescence and the early years of adulthood.

3. Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol use in moderation is unlikely to have an impact on a person's bone health. But excessive, persistent drinking can impair calcium absorption, reduce bone density, and increase the risk of osteoporosis in later life.

4. Exercise regularly

Lack of exercise can fasten the deterioration of our bones, muscles, and joints. Exercising regularly helps keep our bones and joints flexible. Better movement in our limbs improves blood flow which also helps maintain our health.


5. Try weights

Both weightlifting and strength training has been found in studies to help preserve the current bone structure and encourage the formation of new bone. Additionally, lifting weights promotes greater bone density, bone loss prevention, the increased muscular mass, etc.

6. Eat vitamin-rich foods

By preventing calcium loss and assisting minerals in binding to the bones, vitamin K-2 is crucial for maintaining healthy bones. Calcium absorption by the body is aided by vitamin D. People who don't get enough vitamin D are more likely to lose bone mass.


7. Watch your weight

Bone density depends on maintaining a healthy weight; those who are underweight have a higher chance of acquiring bone diseases, while those who are overweight place additional strain on their bones. People should avoid losing weight quickly and fluctuating between weight gains and losses. Bone density can be lost as a person loses weight, but it is not recovered when the person puts the weight back on. Weaker bones may result from this decrease in bone density.

8. Eat well

Extremely low-calorie diets can cause health issues, such as a decrease in bone density. Consult a healthcare professional about your calorie requirements before beginning a diet to set a healthy goal intake. Any diet need to include an appropriate ratio of protein, lipids, vitamins, and minerals.


9. Increase protein in your diet

Protein is known to promote better health of our bones and muscles. Protein is crucial for maintaining bone health and density, therefore it's important to have enough of it in your diet.

10. Eat more omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to preserving bone density, according to a number of earlier research. Salmon, mackerel, almonds, seeds, and other foods like these contain omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are available for consumption through supplements or diet.


In conclusion, simple lifestyle changes can help maintain and improve our health including our bones. A good bone density also lowers our risks of many other disorders besides Osteoarthritis. You must also eat healthily and avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices to maintain good overall health.

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