This Article is From Jun 16, 2018

People Dealing With Gout Are At A Higher Risk Of Dementia: 6 Important Risk Factors Of Dementia

A new study suggests that you might be at a 17-20% higher risk of dementia. A risk factor for dementia is anything which makes a person more prone to the condition. Here are some of the most important risk factors for dementia.


Dementia is characterized by a decline in a person's mental ability


  • Dementia is characterized by a decline in a persons mental ability
  • Development of dementia and Alzheimers is influenced by age
  • The link between depression and dementia is an intertwined one

Are you dealing with gout? Beware! A new study suggests that you might be at a 17-20% higher risk of dementia. Gout is a condition characterized by crystal deposits of the uric acid in the joints which can result in inflammation. Gout symptoms can be experienced at random intervals; they are known as flares and can result in a great deal of pain in the joints. Dementia, on the other hand, is a mental health condition. It is one of the most feared conditions of the older people. Dementia is characterized by a decline in a person's mental ability.

Also read: Know The Early Signs Of Dementia

Some of the symptoms of dementia include:

1. Memory loss

2. Difficulty in thinking

3. Confusion and disorientation

4. Difficulty in functioning

5. Difficulty in coordination and motor functions

A risk factor for dementia is anything which makes a person more prone to the condition. In this article, we shall acquaint you with some of the most important risk factors for dementia.

Also read: Are You Simply Bored Or Is It Depression? Know The Difference

Here are 6 most important risk factors for dementia.

1. Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a condition of plaque buildup in the arteries which obstructs smooth flow of blood. This plaque is made up of cholesterol, calcium and fat. It can narrow down your arteries and obstruct blood flow to the brain. This affects the ability of the brain to function properly. It may even result in a stroke.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition characterized by lack of the body's ability to metabolize sugar the way it should. This increases the risk of developing a whole lot of health problems. Diabetes increases the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis. Both these conditions contribute to dementia.

Also read: These 7 Superfoods Can Reverse Your Diabetes

3. Age

Development of dementia and Alzheimer's is influenced by age. This goes for all forms of dementia. Research shows that one in 65 people are affected with dementia. One in three elderly people die due to dementia. That's how dangerous dementia is.

4. Psychological factors

Socialization is important and that is relevant from the fact that the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's is higher in people who keep themselves isolated. Yes, research shows that people who do not usually engage is social and cognitively stimulating activities are at a higher risk of developing dementia.

5. Smoking

Smoking and any form of drug abuse is linked to an increased risk of dementia. This is due to the fact that smoking increases the risk of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. These conditions contribute to a higher risk of dementia at a later stage in life.

Also read: No Smoking Day: 7 Simple Ways To Help You Quit Smoking

6. Depression

The link between depression and dementia is an intertwined one. It is an early sign of Alzheimer's which contributes to difficulty in contribution, which mimics the symptoms of dementia. Another important factor is social isolation in depression patients. They also deal with sleep problems; all these conditions contribute to an increased risk of dementia at a later stage in life.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 
