This Article is From Feb 18, 2019

These Simple Exercises Can Improve Your Digestive Health And Melt Your Belly Fat Quickly!

Poor digestion is linked to low energy levels, being uncomfortable all the time, disrupted bowel movements, stress, poor gut and liver health, and can even lead to weight gain. Take a look at these simple exercises which can help in digestion and melt your belly fat!


Some digestive disorders can take a toll on the overall health of the body.


  • Some exercises can help improve your gut health
  • Brisk walking can help keep digestive problems at bay
  • Proper breathing pattern could help prevent heartburn and bloating

Digestion is the process of breaking down food that we eat for energy and nutrition. It is one of the most important functions performed by the body and there at times we often take this for granted. Healthy digestive system not only helps to eliminate toxins but also keep your stomach light and detoxed. Indigestion, constipation, irregular bowel movement and other digestive disorders can take a toll on the overall health of the body and may have a negative impact your other organs as well. Poor digestion is linked to low energy levels, being uncomfortable all the time, disrupted bowel movements, stress, poor gut and liver health, and can even lead to weight gain. Apart from healthy eating habits, some exercises can help improve your gut health as well.

Healthy digestive system not only helps to eliminate toxins but the feeling of well-being is also increased.
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Want To Get Rid Of Bloating, Stomach Cramps Once And For All? Cut Down These Foods From Your Diet

These exercises can help aid in digestion and may even cut down belly fat:

1. Brisk walking

Walking is one of the most simplest exercise to include in your workout regime. Brisk walking for around thirty to forty minutes daily keeps you away from digestive problems and other medical conditions. It stimulates the intestinal contractility, helping with the passage of stool through the colon.

2. Cycling

A bike ride is also quite effective in the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Not only gut health but cycling even helps in reducing the belly fat.

3. Crunches

This ab workout focuses on the abdominal muscles to bring back the digestive system on track. You can try different variations of this exercise like vertical leg crunch, long arm crunch and reverse crunch. Sit-ups or crunches are one of the best exercises for healthy digestion. Core muscles and muscles in your abdomen strengthen the bowel movement and intestines. They also help in preventing digestive issues like gas or bloating. Even better this exercise can also help you lose belly fat and get those flat abs!

Also read: This Fruit Can Be An Amazing Evening Snack Perfect For Weight Loss; Try It Now! 

4. Yoga

Some yoga poses like the boat pose, child's pose, standing forward bend, downward and upward dog, triangle pose and bow pose are great for improving digestion and losing belly fat. They help stretch and relax the abdominal muscles and avoid problems like bloating and acidity. Yoga can also help you reduce stress which is another factor that causes digestive issues.

Some yoga poses like the boat pose, child's pose, standing forward bend, downward and upward dog, triangle pose and bow pose are great for improving digestion and losing belly fat.
Photo Credit: iStock

5. Breathing exercise

You might not be aware of this but even this simple exercise of breathing can affect your digestion. Proper breathing pattern could help aid in problems like heartburn and bloating. All you need to do is sit up straight and practice breathing deeply and slowly, in and out, using your belly muscles. This can help you relax and thereby manage your stress levels as well. 

Also read: This Quick After-Meal Mix By Luke Coutinho Will Cure All Your Digestion Problems


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

