Thyroid: Can Yoga Cure Thyroid Disorders Permanently?

Thyroid: Here are 6 yoga poses to add to your workout routine to improve and normalise thyroid hormone levels.

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Thyroid: Halasana can help normalise thyroid hormone levels

Our thyroid produces and generates hormones that are involved in numerous bodily processes. Thyroid disease is characterised by the overproduction or underproduction of these critical hormones by our thyroid. Thyroid disease comes in a variety of forms, such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Yoga has been considered extremely helpful in improving and curing a variety of diseases. Yoga is also recognised for improving hormonal imbalances that may be caused by incorrect production. This imbalance can be due to many reasons. Thyroid disorders come under this category. In this article, we list a few yoga asanas that have been proven helpful in improving and even curing thyroid disorders.

6 Yoga asanas that can help improve and cure thyroid disorders:

1. Sarvangasana

  • In this pose, you require to hold your legs above your head
  • To do so, traditionally, you lay on your back and lift your legs above the ground at a 90-degree angle
  • You further, use your arms to push your legs to lift further
  • At this point, the only body parts touching the ground are your head, arms (from shoulder to elbows), and upper back
  • Your toes are supposed to be facing the sky
  • However, being able to do this asana comfortably takes time and practice. Hence, you can try using the support of a wall to rest your legs at a 90 degrees angle
  • To better perform this asana as a beginner, you can place 1-2 pillows under your lower back to further elevate the body with exterior support

2. Setu Bandhasana

  • Lie on the ground facing the ceiling with your hands on your sides
  • Slowing lift your hips off the ground
  • At this point, the only thing touching the floor should be your upper torso, head, arms, and feet
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 4-5 times

3. Halasana

  • Lie on your back
  • Place your hands on the side
  • Slowly lift your legs up
  • Continue to bring your legs up while keeping them straight
  • The aim is the carry your legs over your head and be able to place your toes on the ground above the head
  • At this point, you may hold your hand crossing
  • During this position, your back also must lift off the floor
  • Hold this position for 15-20 seconds and release
  • Repeat a few times

4. Bhujangasana

  • Lie on the ground, facing the floor
  • Now, place your hands forward and live your upper body
  • At this point, the body parts touching the ground should be your lower body and palms
  • You are encouraged to look toward the sky
  • Stretch this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat 4-5 times

5. Janu Shirasana

  • Sit on the floor with your left leg folded in (how you would normally sit with your legs folded)
  • Place your right leg straight facing front
  • At this point, your left foot should both be pointing towards the right and your right foot should be pointing at the front
  • Now take both of your arms and use them to hold your right leg
  • At this point, your head should be facing your right leg, hence the name ‘head-to-knee pose'
  • Hold this position for a few seconds and release slowly
  • Repeat this on the other side and do 4-5 sets

6. Shavasana

  • Lie down on the flat ground, preferably on a yoga mat
  • Keep your arms aside and your palms open
  • Your palms should be facing the sky
  • Your legs should be slightly farther apart than your shoulders
  • At this point, breathe in and out

These yoga asanas can help manage and normalise hormonal imbalance. Make sure to also alter your diet and lifestyle in a way that benefits the health and functioning of your thyroid.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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