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This Article is From Jul 16, 2018

Uterus Cancer: Some Signs And Symptoms You Must Know

Uterus cancer or uterine cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cells in the uterus resulting in the formation of a malignant tumour. When affected with uterus cancer, your body is likely to show some signs and symptoms. Here, we bring to some of the most important ones.


Sadly, uterus cancer is a disease which goes undiagnosed most of the time


  • In most cases, women above 50 years of age deal with uterus cancer
  • Women with uterus cancer are likely to spot abnormal vaginal bleediing
  • Unexplained weight loss could be a symptom of uterus cancer

The uterus is a hollow organ present in a woman's body and is also known as the womb. This organ supports foetal growth and development till the birth of the baby. The top of this organ is known as fundus, the mid is known as corpus, the bottom is known as cervix and the inner lining is known as endometrium. Uterus cancer or uterine cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cells in the uterus resulting in the formation of a malignant tumour. This disease can develop in women at any point of time in their lives. It is not influenced by age; but mostly, women above 50 years of age deal with uterus cancer. Experts are still quite unaware of the exact causes of this disease. However, women with obesity, no children, and periods before the 12, lynch syndrome, family history of uterus cancer and menopause after 55 seem to be at a higher risk of the disease. Sadly, uterus cancer is a disease which goes undiagnosed most of the time. This results in delayed treatment which is one of the reasons why a large number of women succumb to this fatal disease every year. While regular health check-ups are a great way to diagnose uterus cancer in time, watching out for some signs and symptoms can also prove helpful. When affected with uterus cancer, your body is likely to show some signs and symptoms. In this article, we bring to some of the most important ones.

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Common signs and symptoms of uterus cancer.

1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Women with uterus cancer are quite likely to spot abnormal vaginal bleeding. This can either be watery flow with streaks of blood or a significant amount of blood in the discharge. If you are post-menopausal check for the exact cause of this form of discharge with your doctor. One in ten post-menopausal women who spot vaginal bleeding suffer from uterus cancer. Watery, pink, white or red discharge is a symptom of uterus cancer.


Also read: 6 Types Of Vaginal Discharge And What They Mean

2. Difficulty in urinating


Difficulty in urinating is usually a symptom of urinary tract infections. This can be quite painful as well. However, in some cases, it could be a symptom of uterus cancer as well. Drinking lots of water is one way of treating it. However, if such traditional techniques do not prove helpful, check with a health expert as soon as possible. Besides this, if you spot the same with other important symptoms of this disease, get diagnosed for uterus cancer.

Also read: Signs Of Cervical Cancer Every Woman Must Know


3. Pain during sexual intercourse

Some women experience pain during sexual intercourse due to vaginal dryness. However, some could be experiencing the same due to uterus cancer. A malignant tumour in the uterus could be an important reason responsible for painful sexual intercourse. However, the same could also take place due to other reasons as well. So don't land on the conclusion of uterus cancer all of a sudden. Rule out other possibilities first and see if the symptom continues to prevail. If this happens, check with a doctor for the possibility of uterus cancer.


Also read: Painful Sex? You're Not Alone - Tips And Remedies

4. Unexplained pelvic pain


Pain in the pelvic region could take place due to a number of reasons; uterus cancer could be one of the possibilities. Rule out other causes of pelvic pain and see if it continues to prevail along with other symptoms of uterus cancer. If yes, check with your doctor for the possibility of uterus cancer. This symptom is usually seen in the later stages of this disease.

Also read: How To Conceive After Cervical Cancer Treatment

5. Unexplained weight loss

Losing a couple of pounds in not quite unpleasant for most women. However, when that takes place due to no apparent reason, it could be something you need to worry about. Sometimes, unexplained weight loss takes place due to an underlying health condition like uterus cancer.

Also read: What Is Endometriosis: Causes Symptoms And Treatment Tips

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. 
