This Article is From Sep 05, 2018

Want To Lose Weight? Try These 4 Healthy Substitutes For Sugar

Maple syrup contains fairly low amounts of sugar. Apart from that it has vital nutrients like antioxidants, calcium, iron, antioxidants and potassium. You can cut your sugar consumption by about 33% if you use maple syrup in your recipes.

Want To Lose Weight? Try These 4 Healthy Substitutes For Sugar

4 natural sugar substitutes that should be in your kitchen


  • Normal white sugar is high in calories which may lead to weight gain
  • Maple syrup contains fairly low amounts of sugar
  • Jaggery sugar prevents constipation by aiding digestion

Added sugar is one of the harmful ingredients that you can add to your diet. It leads to several health hazards like obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. You do not always have to add the classic white sugar or sugar cubes to add sweetness to your dishes. Although sugar is natural as it comes from sugar cane but it does have many disadvantages. Normal white sugar is high in calories which may lead to weight gain. They do not have any fiber or protein content that can fully satisfy you. It is especially harmful for diabetic patients as it can increase the blood sugar levels. For these reasons, you must experiment with some common sugar substitutes for healthier alternatives.

Also read: 8 Foods That Contain Alarming Amounts Of Sugar

Some natural sweeteners should be in your kitchen which will keep a check on your added sugar intake:

1. Honey: We all have heard the numerous health benefits of honey. Honey is sweet and has less calories, fructose and glucose than the classic white sugar. The advantages of opting honey instead of the white sugar includes quicker browning and more moisture. However, people with high blood sugar should still be mindful while eating honey.


Honey is sweet and has less calories, fructose and glucose
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Coconut sugar: The coconut sugar is extracted from the plant fluid of the coconut palm tree. It contains some healthy nutrients which are calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, as well as antioxidants. It is due to its insulin content that it has a low glycemic index than sugar. Though it has a variety of potential health benefits but should be eaten in moderation as it has the same amount of calories as in the regular white sugar.

Also read: Here's Why Coconut Sugar Is A Healthy Substitute For White Sugar

3. Jaggery sugar: It prevents constipation by keeping the digestion system healthy. Many people prefer eating jaggery after a meal as it acts as a cleanser, and helps detoxify the liver by flushing out nasty toxins from the body. Jaggery is packed with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, which help prevent free-radicals. It helps in boosting resistance against infections, hence building stronger immunity. Jaggery acts as a natural sweetener and provides energy for a long period of time. 


Jaggery acts as a natural sweetener and provides energy
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Maple syrup: The maple syrup contains fairly low amounts of sugar. Apart from that it has vital nutrients like antioxidants, calcium, iron, antioxidants and potassium. You can cut your sugar consumption by about 33% if you use maple syrup in your recipes. As an added benefit, maple syrup is also beneficial for people with diabetes as it has a glycemic index of 54 which is comparatively much lower to normal sugar's 65. You can add maple syrup in your smoothies, desserts and pancakes.


You can add maple syrup in your smoothies, desserts and pancakes
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Diabetes: Foods That Help Control Blood Sugar Levels

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

