Popular Indian rapper Badshah recently shared his physical transformation pictures on Instagram through his account @badboyshah. The rapper shared a picture of himself flexing, captioning it, “Ya'll should work on your pen game though”.
He later also shared a reel on Instagram where he is seen weight training for his arms. Weight training is often misunderstood as a muscle building regime. However, it is proven to be highly beneficial for weight loss as well.
Here are some benefits of adding weight training to your workout routine:
- Your metabolism is increased by strength training in two different ways. First off, gaining muscle speeds up your metabolism. You can burn more calories while at rest since muscles have a higher metabolic efficiency than fat mass.
- An higher risk of chronic diseases is linked to abdominal fat, particularly visceral fat. Strength-training activities have been demonstrated to be effective in lowering body fat in general and in the abdomen in numerous studies.
- The risk of injury may be lowered if you incorporate strength training into your exercise regime. Your muscles, ligaments, and tendons become stronger, more mobile, and have a wider range of motion as a result of strength training. This could increase the strength surrounding important joints.
- Many studies have demonstrated how regular strength-training exercises can cut total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and enhance blood circulation by fortifying the heart and blood arteries.
- Contrary to popular opinion, flexibility can be improved by strength training. Strength training extends the range of motion (ROM) of the joints, enhancing flexibility and mobility.
- Strength training is essential for the growth of bones. Weight-bearing exercises temporarily stress your bones, which prompts bone-building cells to mobilise and strengthen your bones.
A calorie-deficit and balanced diet along with regular exercise and healthy lifestyle choices can boost weight loss and improve your overall health and quality of life.
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