Who could forget the number of deaths that a mosquito-borne disease caused last year! After it killed thousands of people last year, a dengue vaccine was brought out. But recently, the World Health Organization noted that some potential risks of this vaccine need to be addressed. The World's first ever dengue vaccine can surely protect you from the fatal disease but it can expose you to some health risks as well. Due to this, they have advised every country to plan a screening of the population before injecting the vaccine. It has strictly instructed countries to inject the vaccine only to the people who have been tested positive for dengue.
But vaccination is not the only preventive measure for dengue. People can mitigate their risk of contracting this deadly disease by taking a few steps. Patients suffering from this mosquito-borne viral disease can show symptoms like headache, body ache, loss of appetite, high fever, rashes, vomiting and muscosal bleeding. For treatments, doctors recommend adequate fluid intake and bed rest.
Also read: Dengue Can Be Fatal For Diabetics : Know How
Since prevention is better than cure, we recommend some preventive measures against dengue fever. Listed below are 7 simple and practical ways to protect you from dengue fever.
1. Make sure that there is no stagnant water in and around your house
Stagnant water is where dengue mosquitoes breed. It can be found in unattended buckets, coolers, watered-flower pots and other places. Firstly, you must not allow water to remain stagnant and if for some reason you can't remove the water, you must keep it covered.
2. Shut doors and windows at dusk
Dusk and late-evening hours is when mosquitoes find their way into your homes. Keep all doors and windows shut during the late-evening hours. You do not want mosquitoes hovering all over your house. Also, if there are any holes in your doors and windows, they must be concealed too.
3. Wear protective clothing
We know that it is too hot for you to wear full-sleeve shirts and pants. But trust us, it is important for you. While going outside during the day, you must keep your arms, legs and feet covered because this is the time when mosquitoes are active.
Also read: Can Giloy Help Prevent And Treat Dengue: Know The Facts
4. Use mosquito repellents
No matter how much you try, some part of your skin remains exposed. On these portions, you can apply a mosquito repellent on your skin. If you wish to avoid the chemical repellants, you can apply neem oil or coconut oil right before you go to sleep. While heading outside, wear a mosquito repellent patch on your clothes.
5. Keep your house mosquito-free
There are a number of ways of keeping those unwanted buzzers away. You can get your house sprayed regularly. You can also keep a tulsi plant outside your home; this prevents mosquitoes from breeding in that area. You can also use camphor for this purpose. Just light a piece of camphor and let it burn for 15-20 minutes. The aromatic fumes will drive all the mosquitoes out of your home. You can also keep neem leaves inside your home for the same purpose.
6. Home-made garlic spray
The pungent smell of a garlic spray can keep mosquitoes out of your house. Crush a few garlic cloves and boil it in some water. Now spray this water all around. Its strong smell will drive away all the mosquitoes.
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.