World Kidney Day 2021: Here's How Lockdown Led To A Rise In Kidney Ailments

World Kidney Day 2021: With a newly evolved lifestyle and ways of working, health check-ups should be an unsaid necessary. One should indulge in a habit of taking tests and check-ups at regular intervals, says Dr Sundeep Guleria.

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World Kidney Day 2021: Uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension can lead to chronic kidney diseases

World Kidney Day 2021 is observed on March 11 every year. The day is meant to raise awareness about kidney diseases and way to take care of kidneys. India in its fight against COVID-19 is actively getting its citizens inoculated, as per the prescribed phases. The war against COVID-19 hasn't been easy and is still testing the patience of many. Lack of preventive check-ups during lockdown is now showing it's after effects. From increasing rates of diabetes to rising kidney ailments, ignorance towards regular health check-ups hasn't come easy.

Fear of catching the virus and the prevailing restrictions in the lockdown caused many to step away from the regular tabulation of health parameters. With people staying indoors and working from home, sedentary lifestyle became a usual practice and attracted increasing rates of diabetes and hypertension. As kidney ailments are correlated to hypertension, diabetes and many other unknown ailments, they are witnessing a sudden rise.

World Kidney Day 2021: Increasing rates of kidney ailments

The lockdown brought different set of challenges for various patients in the country. The initial days of lockdown were hard for the patients who required regular monitoring and assistance. For many cases, uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes directed to chronic kidney disease (CKD, elevating the current load of patients.

Also read: Here's How Hypertension Can Lead To Chronic Kidney Disease

Out-patient services being shut during the lockdown witnessed increased incidences of uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension leading to kidney failures. The following shutdown also limited the access of multiple specialized tests and consultation for transplant patients. Additionally, the limited medical and healthcare access led to postponement of scheduled kidney transplant surgeries. Teleconsultation, that gave healthcare industry a new empowerment, sadly couldn't be of great help to this set of patients as they required advanced care.

The body is accustomed in a way of hiding the early signs and symptoms of kidney diseases, resulting in providing the view of an average individual. Hence, by the time kidney disease gets identified, the organ is usually down to 50-60 percent in capacity.

It makes it highly evident that absence of regular and preventive health check-ups are highly necessary for patients with any kidney related comorbidities.


Preventive healthcare check-ups are extremely essential for people with kidney disease
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Can Diabetes Cause Kidney Stones? What Is The Link? Know Tips For Diabetics To Control The Risk

What needs to be kept in mind?

With a year of living with the pandemic, people are gradually realizing their ways out to deal with different situations. Hence, it's good to know the importance of a few known and unknown facts.

  • Make preventive check-ups an unsaid necessary: With a newly evolved lifestyle and ways of working, health check-ups should be an unsaid necessary. One should indulge in a habit of taking tests and check-ups at regular intervals.
  • Eat a balanced diet: The food we consume has a great impact on our bodies, hence a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet should be consumed. It can definitely help in maintaining the sugar, stress and cholesterol levels.
  • Physical activities: A simplest form of exercise can be walking. For maintaining a healthy life, one should start indulging in simple and easy physical activities. It can help in achieving good health parameters. One can also complete a good number of steps, being home.
  • Keeping a record of medical history: Medical history, be it personal health records or family history of any particular disease, should be properly documented. It can help the medical professionals in understanding the course of treatment better.

Also read: Are High Protein Diets Safe For People With Kidney Problems?

As our health is our responsibility, we should take steps towards improving our quality of life. It can be achieved by taking necessary precautions, utmost care and tabulating and keeping regular health checks.


(Dr Sundeep Guleria, Senior Consultant, Renal Transplant Surgeon, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals)

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